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We start with our staff, we recruit therapists that have a passion in beauty and wellness that goes beyond it just being their job.

Aurora Spa

What are some of the tools Aurora Spa gives its customers to live a more stress-free life?

We start with our staff, we recruit therapists that have a passion in beauty and wellness that goes beyond it just being their job. Our therapists are then trained in how to help and educate clients on bridging the gap to live their best lives. Lifestyle advice can then be tailored to sure the needs of each individual client. Our focus is on treatments and our products that have therapeutic benefits to help our clients achieve optimum wellness.

How does this differ from what other Spa facilities offer customers?

Spa facilities around the world have their own take on what spa, beauty and wellness means to them. We are focused on what works best for us in our environment and culture and stay true to that. We are continually re-assessing how we can get more results for our clients. This is a collaborative approach with our team and one we gain new insights from all the time. We are interested in learning what our clients need and evolving with this knowledge.

You balance a lot of responsibilities in your daily life. How do you manage all of them, while still maintaining beauty, health and wellness as priorities?

I put time aside, time to plan my day and my week in advance so I can achieve the work and wellness goals that I know work best for me. Planning is one part, the next is committing to staying focused. I do this through regularly re-assessing my goals and the path I am on. I am really lucky to coach clients and be regularly reminded of how important it is to use the tools myself.

What is the most common reason people seek out your spa services? What is the end goal?

To unwind, to switch off and to relax. A lot of clients also come to us to release deep muscle tension and to cleanse and hydrate the skin. Spa is a wonderful way to allocate time out.

How do you incorporate fitness in your daily life?

For me fitness incorporates strength, flexibility, nutrition and fitness. I am at the gym 5 mornings a week at 6am, I love feeling fit and strong. This is my commitment to myself and also an hour to be totally focused on me. I am also very mindful of what I eat and take time to organize and plan my nutrition.

What are some tips you can give our readers in regards to making time daily for exercise?

It’s important to find your rhythm, what works best for your day. Then commit to integrating this into your life for 8 weeks. After that you can re-asses and see if that worked for your lifestyle and how your body feels. Implementing small steps is the best way for sustainable success.

What are your top five “musts” in order to have a good mood and good energy throughout your day?

Eat well – low amount of processed foods so you can gain the benefit of eating food that is energy boosting. Frame your day well with a quick morning and evening ritual that cultivate mindfulness and positivity. Hydrate – buy yourself a beautiful water bottle so drinking water is inspiring for you. At night reflect on what went well in your day, ideally write them in a gratitude journal. Be organized – structure your day so you can have a pause, get outside and see the sky, a tree or some part of nature. This helps to cultivate positivity.

What is your favorite spa treatment you offer?

Our Signature Steam Room treatment, the Kitya Karnu – it’s total body relaxation and results. A top to toe experience for your body with dual exfoliations, facial, hair masque, energy balancing and deep relaxation for your mind as you are enveloped in the warm steam, lulling you into a blissful place.

What are the customer favorites?

Our Deep Tissue Massage, the Kitya Karnu and Guku Cocoon.

How do you go about recommending spa treatments to your customers?

We listen to what each client would like to achieve or experience. Clients may not be aware of every treatment available so I always talk to our team about being the Dr of spa, we are prescribing the best solution for our guests.

What steps do you ensure you take in order to live a wholesome life?

I live by my values to ensure I make decisions guided by the most important pillars in my life. Living a life aligned with your values increases the joy, meaning and purpose that I can experience on any given day. I regularly re-assess the 8 areas of my life and ascertain where I can improve. These areas are – Health and Fitness/ Wellness, Family/ Children, Physical Environment (Live/ Work), Fun and Recreation, Personal Growth and Spirituality, Significant Other/Partner Relationship, Friends, Finances.

What would you suggest those who are struggling to live a wholesome life?

Small steps to success. What is one thing can you integrate into your life tomorrow to help you move one step closer to where you want to be? Take the pressure off yourself and keep focused on the small steps to success.

What do you think is something essential to living a good, healthy life that most people overlook?

How would you implement change? Have boundaries around technology. We can be available 24/7 if we choose to be. Look at your lifestyle and assess where you can create boundaries to ensure you have plenty of time to switch off and when you can be totally present with the people around you. Our minds need a rest.

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