Destinations | World Travel Magazine World Travel Magazine is the leading luxury travel & lifestyle magazine Sun, 13 Aug 2023 16:32:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Nordic Escape – Nature Answers Life’s Intimate Queries Sun, 13 Aug 2023 16:15:00 +0000 Norwegian Notes: Of Aurora Nights and Viking Insights. Journeying deep into Nordic wonder, I found myself. Lost in the realms of Norse mythology and studded with icy fjords, endless green forests, and mirrored lakes, the Nordic region unfolds as an inspirational tale of the primal bond between man and nature. As I disembarked from the […]

The post A Nordic Escape – Nature Answers Life’s Intimate Queries first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Norwegian Notes: Of Aurora Nights and Viking Insights. Journeying deep into Nordic wonder, I found myself. Lost in the realms of Norse mythology and studded with icy fjords, endless green forests, and mirrored lakes, the Nordic region unfolds as an inspirational tale of the primal bond between man and nature.

As I disembarked from the plane at Tromsø Airport, Norway greeted me with the ethereal luminescence of an Arctic dawn. The crisp morning air, rich with the scent of pine and the cold sea, was a rejuvenating welcome to this majestic land.

A Voyage into the Heart of Tromsø: The Fjord’s Lullaby and Wildlife’s Serenade

Embarking on a classic mahogany boat, we set sail onto the Arctic Sea, the stunning fjords and straits of Tromsø beckoning us. Each moment was a sensory delight: from the taste of delectable Arctic fish and warming drinks to the myriad of birds we spotted, including sea eagles, guillemots, and eider ducks. The playful antics of puffins, the graceful swim of dolphins, and the distant silhouette of reindeer by the shore made it an unforgettable experience.

Places like Lyngen and Ulls, where the fjords showcased their most dramatic beauty, reflected not just the natural grandeur but also my introspective journey through Norway. Serenity overwhelmed me, making me realize my minuscule existence amidst this vast cosmic tale.


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Under the Aurora’s Embrace in Norway: A Husky Night to Remember in Tromsø

In the heart of Tromsø’s wilderness, the husky camp was alight with more than just the campfire’s glow. The sky unfurled a symphony of colours, the Northern Lights dancing above with an elegance I could hardly fathom. Relaxing by the campfire, the toasted marshmallows felt like a sweet complement to the visual feast above. The resident dogs, each vying for attention, added a playful touch to the evening’s magic.

In the warmth of an authentic lavvo (Sami tent), we sipped on steaming drinks, our gazes often drifting upwards, entranced by the Aurora’s ballet. And as if the evening couldn’t get more Norwegian, we were served a hearty dish of bacalao made with tomato and cod, the perfect endnote to a Nordic night out.

But what stole the show, you ask? The Northern Lights? Well, certainly, it’s hard to compete with a celestial light show that could give Vegas a run for its money. Or was it the cruise, with its cast of seals, otters, and a plethora of birdlife, that put any Disney animation to shame?


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All of these made my Nordic escapade an unforgettable tour de force. I can’t help but think of this journey as one for the glossy pages and Instagram reels. Concluding this Nordic escapade, I find myself slightly more Viking, a bit more wanderer, and definitely several notches up in my appreciation for a good pair of thermal socks. Safe travels, and may your inner compass always point north! ◼

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© This article was first published online in Aug 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

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Japanese Alps: Traversing Snowy Splendor on Ski Slopes & Onsens Fri, 04 Aug 2023 08:56:37 +0000 Japanese winters embody a breathtaking paradox. This country of ancient temples and neon cities transforms into a dreamscape of snowy tranquillity, proving that Japan’s magic lies in its ability to surprise and mesmerize. Beyond the bustling cities and deep-rooted traditions, it morphs into a captivating winter wonderland, offering a blend of scenic rail journeys, world-class […]

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Japanese winters embody a breathtaking paradox. This country of ancient temples and neon cities transforms into a dreamscape of snowy tranquillity, proving that Japan’s magic lies in its ability to surprise and mesmerize. Beyond the bustling cities and deep-rooted traditions, it morphs into a captivating winter wonderland, offering a blend of scenic rail journeys, world-class ski slopes, and invigorating onsens (hot springs).

Your journey commences in Tokyo, the pulsating heart of Japan, and unfolds aboard one of the many legendary Shinkansen high-speed bullet train lines, synonymous with precision, speed, and comfort. As the train slips away from the city’s skyline and into the heart of the majestic Japanese Alps, you’ll find yourself swept into the embrace of Nagano and Hakuba Valley.

Embracing the snow at Nagano

Nestled within this breathtaking alpine panorama are ten interconnected ski resorts, including Happo-One, the region’s crown jewel. With an impressive annual snowfall of over 11 meters, it presents an exhilarating experience for all winter sports enthusiasts. The snowy slopes under a cerulean sky offer an exceptional skiing adventure that will enthral the novice and the expert alike.

The journey then carries you further into the winter reverie to Shiga Kogen. Another scenic two-hour rail journey from Hakuba, and you’re greeted by an expanse of meticulously groomed ski runs and thrilling moguls. Home to numerous interconnected resorts, Shiga Kogen is a paradise for winter sports lovers. Enhancing the charm of this winter haven is the annual March craft beer festival – an ambience-laden event featuring live music, cascading fireworks, and a sense of collective merriment.

Slowing the pace down at Yamanouchi

Transitioning from the adrenaline-fueled ski slopes of Shiga Kogen, your journey ebbs into the calmness of Yamanouchi. Here, amidst an oasis of meticulously landscaped Japanese gardens, sits the Senjukaku ryokan, a sanctuary of tranquillity. With its soul-soothing open-air hot springs, Senjukaku offers an immersion into a timeless Japanese tradition. The rooms, adorned with traditional tatami flooring and offering breathtaking views of snow-laden mountains, encapsulate the quintessential Japanese living experience. Further enhancing the appeal, the ryokan’s lobby transforms into an art gallery gracefully adorned with intricate Japanese drawings, adding a stroke of artistic elegance to your journey.

Travelling through Japan during winter offers a journey that transcends the ordinary. It’s a multifaceted experience that invites you to explore landscapes adorned with winter’s graceful touch, exhilarating ski resorts boasting world-class facilities, and the serenity of traditional hot springs. As the snowflakes dance in the cold air and the warmth of an onsen wraps around you, the allure of Japan’s winter wonderland is undeniable.

So, pack your ski gear, embrace the chill, and let Japan’s winter landscapes captivate your wanderlust. Be it the breathtaking train journeys, the adrenaline rush of the ski slopes, or the soothing calm of an onsen, every aspect of your journey will inspire and create memories that will last a lifetime. Japan’s snowy splendour awaits, ready to charm travellers from every corner of the globe. ◼

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© This article was first published online in Aug 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

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Fall In Love: Journey Through Switzerland’s Alpine Autumn Wed, 02 Aug 2023 14:30:44 +0000 Golden Season: Switzerland in the Fall. As the curtain of summer falls, Switzerland transforms into an artist’s canvas, painted with hues of amber, garnet, and emerald. This land, renowned for its alpine majesty and punctual trains, offers an autumnal spectacle that’s both profoundly intimate and grand. From the whispering woods of the Bernese Oberland to […]

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Golden Season: Switzerland in the Fall. As the curtain of summer falls, Switzerland transforms into an artist’s canvas, painted with hues of amber, garnet, and emerald. This land, renowned for its alpine majesty and punctual trains, offers an autumnal spectacle that’s both profoundly intimate and grand. From the whispering woods of the Bernese Oberland to the melodic waves of Lake Lucerne, join me on a captivating journey through the heart of Switzerland’s autumnal splendour.

Bernese Oberland Adventures

Autumn’s golden touch delicately grazed the soaring peaks and idyllic valleys of the Bernese Oberland, drawing me into the embrace of Interlaken. The town, flanked by its twin lakes – Lake Thun and Lake Brienz, seemed to hold the deep murmurs of the mountains, beckoning me closer to unravel their mysteries.

The Colours of Lake Thun

I embarked upon the pristine waters of Lake Thun. As the boat gently glided, the blue-green waters painted a vivid contrast against the ever-white summits, an exquisite tableau that struck me deeply. These waters, I felt, held tales perhaps whispered to them by the sentinel peaks of Jungfrau, Eiger, and Mönch.

Lake Brienz, though momentarily distant, captured my gaze with its crystalline allure and the serenity that it radiated.

The next day, seeking a calmer pace, I found solace in the cool depths of the Beatus Caves. Here, the consistent droplets of water resonated with tales from ages past. En route to Thun, the path offered glimpses of the Sigriswil Panorama Bridge, gracefully suspended in mid-air. Soon, Thun, a blend of ancient tales and modern charm, greeted me with open arms.


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Thun’s Medieval Marvels

The gentle ripple of the Aare River became my guide as it meandered past historic sites. The imposing Thun Castle stood watch from its elevated perch while down in the bustling Rathausplatz, history seemed to meld seamlessly with the present. Further along, Balliz invited exploration, its quaint shops offering treasures waiting to be discovered.

Lauterbrunnen, with its craggy cliffs, proved to be an awe-inspiring sight. The sheer power and majesty of the Staubbach Falls, plunging from dizzying heights, evoked feelings of awe and wonder.

Journeying onwards, the cable car whisked me to Mürren. Here, nature reigned supreme. The village’s untouched aura, its chalets and meadows, seemed to hark back to the days of yore. The omnipresent peaks of Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau loomed, silent sentinels watching over this alpine treasure.

As I contemplated the next leg of my journey, the promise of verdant vineyards and the adventure that awaited in Spiez beckoned. The scent of ripe grapes and the allure of the sensory trail awaited, and with a heart swelling with anticipation, I set my sights on the vine-laden horizons of Spiez.


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Vineyards and Vintage Vistas: The Spiez Experience

Nestled along the shimmering south shores of Lake Thun, amidst the majestic embrace of the Alps, lies the picturesque town of Spiez. Descending into this enchanting haven, one is immediately met with a visual symphony – the stark silhouette of the Spiez Castle, the meticulously manicured rows of verdant vineyards, and the tranquil expanse of the lake, peppered with gracefully gliding boats. It’s a panorama that promises—and delivers—a deeper captivation with every exploration.

Dotted across approximately 11 hectares, Spiez’s vineyards are not just vast stretches of green but a testament to the town’s rich vinicultural legacy. These vine plots, perched roughly 700 meters above sea level, are individually owned, each adding a unique note to the collective Spiezer wine symphony. Below the sentinel-like Spiez Castle, in its shadowy recesses, lie large oak barrels, holding within them the town’s most treasured elixirs, maturing gracefully, waiting for the right moment to tell their tales.


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The Castle Amidst the Vines

Speaking of Spiez Castle, it’s impossible to overlook its historical and cultural significance. Guarding what many proclaim to be Europe’s most beautiful bay, this formidable structure has borne witness to over 1,300 years of history. The castle, apart from its historical exhibits, houses ever-evolving art displays that encapsulate both traditional and contemporary artistic expressions. Climbing its towering ramparts, one is rewarded with panoramic vistas of Lake Thun juxtaposed against the dramatic skyline of the Bernese Oberland peaks—a sight that is nothing short of poetic.

Savoring Spiez: From Grapes to Glasses

Yet, for those keen on a sensory experience that seamlessly blends history with nature and wine culture, the Spiez Vineyard Sensory Adventure Trail is an unmissable journey. This themed trail, intricately woven through Spiez’s vineyards, offers an immersive foray into the world of Spiezer wine production. Twelve information-rich panels dot the trail, each narrating a unique chapter of the vineyard’s story, further accentuated by short films detailing the diligent work behind each bottle of wine.

As you meander through the trail, the visual treats of Lake Thun, the commanding Spiez Castle, and the distant Alps form a mesmerizing backdrop. The journey, spanning 1 to 2 hours, is punctuated with strategically placed benches, perfect for a leisurely picnic or simply soaking in the views.

Should your footsteps lead you further into Spiez, there’s always more to discover. With Spiez’s indelible mark on my senses, I felt an anticipatory thrill for the next destination on my Swiss sojourn. The shimmering expanse of Lake Lucerne awaited, promising a fresh canvas of experiences, tales, and breathtaking landscapes. Onward, to where the mountains touch the heavens, and the waters reflect their grandeur.


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Lucerne’s Autumnal Allure

It’s often said that each city has its own rhythm, its unique song. In Lucerne, this melody was a blend of history, culture, nature, and the tantalizing promise of the upcoming Lucerne Festival.


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My steps first took me to the Swiss Museum of Transport. A time capsule, it meticulously laid out the tapestry of the country’s mobility evolution. Every artefact and exhibit echoed tales of a nation always on the move, always advancing. Eager for a change of pace, I took a scenic boat ride on Lake Lucerne. The cool air, the ripples of the water, and the silent mountains standing guard—it was a moment of tranquillity amidst the backdrop of Lucerne’s hustle.

Lucerne’s Chocolate Charm

Lucerne’s delightful affair with chocolates and pastries truly charmed my senses. Max Chocolatier, tucked away on Schweizerhofquai, was nothing short of a chocolate haven. But it was the Lozärner Rägetröpfli, those iconic Lucerne raindrops filled with kirsch eau-de-vie, that transported me to a realm of taste that Switzerland proudly claims as its culinary heritage.


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Schächen Valley Walk

Desiring a touch of nature, I embarked on the Schächen Valley high-level path. Its reputation as one of the most scenic routes in Switzerland is well-earned. As I traversed this high-altitude trail, the beauty of the Schächen valley unravelled beneath me, with its lush meadows and unique flora and fauna. The moors, home to rare species, whispered secrets of a land that time almost forgot.

But as all good things must come to a pause, my Lucerne sojourn concluded with a culinary cruise on Lake Lucerne. With every dish, from traditional Swiss fare to global fusions, I tasted the world, with Lake Lucerne’s shimmering waters playing the perfect backdrop.

Awaiting the Lucerne Festival

And while I’ve yet to experience it, the air is thick with anticipation for the upcoming Lucerne Festival. Between September and November, the city will resonate with the symphonies of world-class musicians. It’s a call for all classical music aficionados to gather and celebrate, to lose themselves in the mesmerizing rhythms that connect us all.


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From the Bernese Oberland’s valleys to Lucerne’s charming streets, Switzerland has been an odyssey of unforgettable moments and sensations. The Swiss melodies guide your heart and help find your own symphony amidst the Alps. ◼

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© This article was first published online in Aug 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Fall In Love: Journey Through Switzerland’s Alpine Autumn first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

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Portland, Jamaica: A Journey Down the Rio Grande and Beyond Tue, 11 Jul 2023 13:42:50 +0000 Bamboo Rafting and Beyond: An Eco-Tourist’s Guide to Portland, Jamaica. Jamaica, the island nation nestled in the Caribbean Sea, is a cultural superpower steeped in rhythm, reggae and resonant history. It is the land of swaying palms, rolling hills, and a people known for their vibrancy and charm. In the heart of this paradise is […]

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Bamboo Rafting and Beyond: An Eco-Tourist’s Guide to Portland, Jamaica. Jamaica, the island nation nestled in the Caribbean Sea, is a cultural superpower steeped in rhythm, reggae and resonant history. It is the land of swaying palms, rolling hills, and a people known for their vibrancy and charm. In the heart of this paradise is the parish of Portland, renowned for its pristine landscapes and slow-paced, nature-centric lifestyle. My trip here was one of eco-tourism, a celebration of nature and local culture that left me spellbound.

Our adventure began on the banks of the Rio Grande, a shimmering expanse of water cutting through the lush greenery of the Jamaican countryside. Perched on a bamboo raft, we embarked on a custom tour that unfolded not just at the pace of the river’s flow but also to the rhythm of our hearts. This was a leisurely journey meant to be savoured, where the destination was as enticing as the voyage itself.

The rafts, previously used to transport bananas from the interior to the coast, were now repurposed for our journey. Skilled and licensed raft captains helmed the rafts, using long poles to navigate the meandering river. Each raft, four feet wide and twenty-five feet long, sported a bamboo seat that invited us to relax and let the current guide us downstream.

Our journey was punctuated by multiple opportunities to stop along the riverbanks at places that seemed too inviting to merely float past. Romantic spots such as Lover’s Lane invited us to disembark for a picnic, while other stretches beckoned us to take a dip in the cool, refreshing waters. Throughout, the scenic backdrop of the Blue Mountains in the distance and the banana and coconut trees lining the riverbanks provided a picturesque panorama that echoed rustic tranquillity and pastoral serenity.

From Bamboo Rafting to Jerk Chicken: A Cultural Journey in Portland, Jamaica

Our destination was Port Antonio, the capital city of Portland. Nestled on the hillsides, the city’s colourful houses were a delightful sight, their hues mirroring the vibrant pulse of reggae that finds its rhythm here. It was easy to imagine the beats of the music emanating from the heart of the city, flowing in harmony with the serenity of the surroundings.

Read More: Private Luxury Guide: 5 Most Undiscovered Caribbean Islands

Portland’s natural charm extends beyond the Rio Grande. Places such as Winnifred Beach and Frenchman’s Cove, with their azure waters, invite visitors to unwind. The vibrant ecosystem of Goblin Hill beckons exploration, while the mystical allure of the Blue Lagoon promises a dip into the fantastical. Reach Falls offers an immersion into the raw power and beauty of nature, and for the adventurous, horseback riding provides an alternative way to experience Portland’s landscape.

No journey to Portland is complete without indulging in the local cuisine. As we journeyed down the Rio Grande, we discovered a hidden gem – Belinda’s Café. Only accessible by bamboo raft, this rustic café is an eco-paradise for food lovers. The curried goat, rich and tender, was a delight.


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At Cynthia’s at Winnifred Beach, we savoured the local favourite, Ackee and Salt Fish, an explosion of flavours that pay homage to Jamaican culinary traditions. Woody’s offered a contemporary twist with their burgers paired with sweet, ripe plantains. And at Gurleys at Boston, we enjoyed authentic Jamaican jerk chicken and curry lobster, each bite a testament to the island’s rich culinary heritage.

Read  More: Antigua & Barbuda: A Superyacht Haven In The Caribbean

Portland, Jamaica is more than a vacation destination; it’s an enchanting world where nature, culture, and history dance in harmony. It’s an eco-paradise where one can experience the joy of floating down a river on a bamboo raft, swim in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea, explore the lush greenery, and lose oneself in the rhythm of reggae. This is the essence of Portland – the beautiful parish on the northeastern coast of Jamaica, where time seems to slow, and where every moment invites you to embrace the beauty of nature and the warmth of its people. ◼

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© This article was first published online in July 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Portland, Jamaica: A Journey Down the Rio Grande and Beyond first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Embracing The Richness Of Life: Leisurely Pursuits In Kyushu Thu, 06 Jul 2023 12:13:18 +0000 From the cerulean waters surrounding the southern coast to the conifer-covered volcanic terrain in the north, the captivating island of Kyushu is a true treasure. As the third-largest island in Japan and the most southwesterly of its four main islands, Kyushu offers a bouquet of intriguing experiences that range from history and culture to food […]

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From the cerulean waters surrounding the southern coast to the conifer-covered volcanic terrain in the north, the captivating island of Kyushu is a true treasure. As the third-largest island in Japan and the most southwesterly of its four main islands, Kyushu offers a bouquet of intriguing experiences that range from history and culture to food and nature.

Kyushu is more than a destination; it’s an embodiment of Japan’s rich history, abundant nature, and profound culture. A journey here is an invitation to a slower, more introspective pace of life where leisure is not just a pastime but a way of living.

Whether you’re soaking in a hot spring, strolling through an artisan’s ceramic workshop, or enjoying a multi-course kaiseki meal, every moment is an opportunity to embrace the richness of life in Kyushu, Japan.

A Palette of Regions in Kyushu

Home to seven diverse prefectures – Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Oita, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima – Kyushu is an open book for travellers, awaiting to be explored and experienced. Additionally, the breathtaking islands of Yakushima and the Amami archipelago punctuate the surrounding azure waters, further adding to the charm of this area.

The Fukuoka prefecture, serving as the island’s gateway, is a buzzing urban hub that offers a blend of modernity and tradition. Amidst its bustling cityscape, one can witness the grand spectacle of one of the six Sumo wrestling tournaments that happen annually.

The Resplendent Gardens and Majestic Castles of Kumamoto

Nestled in the centre of Kyushu, Kumamoto offers an intriguing blend of majestic heritage and tranquil beauty. Kumamoto Castle, with its towering battlements and elegantly sweeping stone ramparts, stands as a testament to a bygone era. This architectural marvel effortlessly captivates visitors with its sheer grandeur.

Kumamoto Castle, Image by Prota, Pixabay

Kumamoto Castle, Image by Prota, Pixabay

In contrast, the serene Suizenji Garden, a gem from the 17th century, presents an enchanting vista of landscaped charm. Here, miniaturized representations of renowned sites offer an exquisite blend of nature and artistry.

Yufuin: A Hot Springs and Ryokan Paradise

When it comes to leisurely pursuits, few places on earth can rival the therapeutic nature of Kyushu’s hot springs. Yufuin, a town renowned for its onsens, offers a chance to unwind and rejuvenate amid the calming embrace of thermal waters. Stay in traditional ryokans like the Sansou Murata, offering rejuvenation through their private onsen baths.

Lake Kinrinko in Yufuin, Photo by Tayawee Supan, Unsplash

Lake Kinrinko in Yufuin, Photo by Tayawee Supan, Unsplash

Stretching beyond the horizons of Yufuin, nestled in the idyllic Tanoharu River Valley, lies the bewitching hot spring town of Kurokawa Onsen. It’s where tranquillity meets natural grandeur, creating an enchanting ambience of unparalleled allure. The town is adorned with twenty distinctive inns, each offering a distinctive blend of comfort, warmth, and traditional aesthetics.

Embracing the healing powers of the hot springs, Kurokawa Onsen serves as a sanctuary for the weary, a retreat for the body, mind, and soul. Stroll down its quaint, winding streets, lined with rustic, wooden ryokans that showcase an impressive harmony of traditional architecture and natural surroundings. The soothing sound of the river and the scent of the nearby woods permeate the air, providing a unique sensory experience.

A hot spring surrounded by a bamboo forest, Photo by Yuri Shirota, Unsplash

A hot spring surrounded by a bamboo forest, Photo by Yuri Shirota, Unsplash

Witness the steam rising from the communal hot spring baths nestled between trees and rocky outcrops, providing an authentic outdoor onsen experience. The warm, mineral-rich waters, renowned for their healing properties, beckon to the bathers, offering solace and rejuvenation.

Whether it is to bask in the therapeutic waters, appreciate the local artistry of the ryokans, or simply to soak in the tranquil ambience, Kurokawa Onsen provides a distinctive journey into the timeless charms of rural Japan. It is a place where traditional customs are not just preserved, but are a part of the daily rhythm of life, offering an authentic taste of Japanese culture in the heart of nature’s splendour.

Savouring the Flavours of Kyushu

Food, in Kyushu, is not merely a means of sustenance. It is an immersive journey into centuries of culinary tradition. In Fukuoka, the sight of local food stalls or ‘yatai’ adds to the city’s vibrant nightscape. Here, you can indulge in a hot bowl of Hakata ramen, a local favourite.

Nagasaki, on the other hand, offers a culinary adventure shaped by Chinese and Portuguese influences, giving birth to a fusion of flavours that intrigue the palate. Dining in Kyushu is a sensory journey, one that is best enjoyed slowly, savouring each bite and every unique flavour.

Saga: A Nurturer of Ceramics

Kyushu’s culture isn’t only witnessed in its tradition and food; it also vibrantly blossoms in its arts and crafts. The island boasts a unique array of artistic expressions, deeply woven into its society. Take a journey to the towns of Karatsu and Okawachiyama in the Saga region, famously known for their exquisite ceramics.

Observe the artisans’ meticulous craftsmanship, painting and firing their works, creating pieces that stand as testimonies to the age-old tradition. Each piece, shaped by the hands of these master craftsmen, tells the story of the land, the people, and the enduring spirit of Kyushu.

Engaging with Events and Traditions

The diversity of Kyushu extends to its seasonal events and age-old traditions. Nita Pass is known for its spectacular display of Autumn leaves, while the delicate cherry blossoms of Chikkoen Park herald the arrival of Spring. Join the locals as they celebrate the Nagasaki Lantern Festival and the Kumamoto Castle Festival, both a testament to the deep-rooted traditions that bind the community together.

Illuminated Japanese umbrellas on display, Image by Kohji Asakawa from Pixabay

Illuminated Japanese umbrellas on display, Image by Kohji Asakawa from Pixabay

Awe-inspiring Cruises and Train Rides

The leisurely pursuits in Kyushu persist, seamlessly transitioning between the vibrant landscapes and the rhythmic journeys aboard trains. Consider a picturesque cruise down the Yanagawa on a ‘Donko’ boat or embark on a journey aboard the scenic Yufuin No Mori train. The Aso Boy train, with its panoramic views of the serene rural town of Aso and surrounding peaks, provides a unique vantage point.

For the ultimate luxury experience, there is the opulent 14-suite Seven Stars sleeper train that takes you on an epic journey across Kyushu’s diverse landscapes. Coupled with a stay in a traditional ryokan overlooking the East China Sea or a luxury one nestled within a serene national park, the comforts of travel in Kyushu are boundless.

The Epitome of Authenticity: A Stay in a Traditional Ryokan

A sojourn in a traditional ryokan, a classic Japanese inn, offers more than just a comfortable stay; it provides a rich and profound immersion into the timeless Japanese way of life. With an ethos grounded in hospitality and serenity, these establishments offer not only a haven for rest but also a profound cultural exploration.

Imagine a secluded ryokan perched on a hill overlooking the expansive East China Sea, or perhaps a luxury one cocooned within a serene national park; the settings are as varied as they are captivating. The tranquil atmosphere of these abodes, paired with their bespoke service and genuine adherence to tradition, blend seamlessly to create an unforgettable travel narrative. Each ryokan stay is a unique tapestry woven with threads of cultural heritage, tranquillity, and refined elegance.

Exploring Kyushu’s Natural Landscapes

Kyushu’s charm also lies in its diverse natural landscapes. The thrill of hiking up Mount Karakuni or exploring the Kirishima mountain range offers a closer encounter with Kyushu’s diverse flora and fauna. Beppu, with its unique hot springs known as Jigoku, “hells”, offers a different kind of experience, a testament to the island’s geothermal activity. Apart from the hot springs, you can also enjoy mud baths, sand baths, and steam baths, offering various ways to relax and rejuvenate.

Views of Nagasaki, Photo by JCS Chen, Unsplash

Views of Nagasaki, Photo by JCS Chen, Unsplash

Beppu hot spring, Photo by Tayawee Supan, Unsplash

Beppu hot spring, Photo by Tayawee Supan, Unsplash

Kyushu is a testament to the art of leisurely pursuits, a place where every moment is an invitation to immerse, engage, and experience. The island offers a multitude of experiences, each narrating the story of the land, its history, culture, and people. From the traditional crafts in Saga to the culinary wonders of Fukuoka and Nagasaki, from the soothing hot springs in Yufuin and Kurokawa Onsen to the grandeur of Kumamoto Castle, Kyushu compels you to pause, absorb, and appreciate the richness of the Japanese way of life.

Read More: Southern Japan’s New Luxury Hotel: The Ritz-Carlton Fukuoka

As you partake in these leisurely pursuits, you don’t just visit Kyushu, you experience it in its full authenticity, leaving with a deep appreciation and lasting memories. Travelling to Kyushu is more than a journey, it’s an exploration of life’s simple and profound pleasures, each moment a treasure in its own right. ◼

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© This article was first published online in July 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Embracing The Richness Of Life: Leisurely Pursuits In Kyushu first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Nubra Valley: An Adventure Through India’s Himalayan Hideaway Wed, 21 Jun 2023 09:09:20 +0000 Immersive Journey Through Ladakh’s Nubra Valley. High above the mundane and beyond the ordinary, the Nubra Valley in Ladakh, India, awaits – an enchanting realm where emotions echo against the mountains. It’s not just a journey through snow-capped peaks and arid deserts, but a voyage into the depths of your soul, stirring a sense of […]

The post Nubra Valley: An Adventure Through India’s Himalayan Hideaway first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Immersive Journey Through Ladakh’s Nubra Valley. High above the mundane and beyond the ordinary, the Nubra Valley in Ladakh, India, awaits – an enchanting realm where emotions echo against the mountains. It’s not just a journey through snow-capped peaks and arid deserts, but a voyage into the depths of your soul, stirring a sense of awe and reverence that resonates long after the journey ends.

The call of Nubra Valley begins in Leh, the capital of Ladakh, and takes you 120km through the Khardung La Pass, standing proud at over 10,000 feet above sea level. Winding through the Karakoram and Ladakh mountain ranges, the journey unveils a symphony of contrasts as rugged Himalayan peaks give way to lush hamlets and verdant orchards. The valley sprawls between the mountain ranges and the serene Shyok River, inviting explorers to trace the river’s banks and ascend the mountain tops.

Nubra Valley in Ladakh, India, Image by Pexels Arthouse Studio

Nubra Valley in Ladakh, India, Image by Pexels Arthouse Studio

It’s not just the unique landscapes that charm you in Nubra Valley. You can literally feel history under your feet as you tread the cold desert sand dunes on a Bactrian camel, these sturdy animals harkening back to the valley’s past as a crucial artery of the Silk Road. In Hunder, the experience of a camel safari elevates to a new level as the harsh desert seamlessly melds into verdant orchards – a mesmerizing spectacle that captivates the heart and feeds the soul.

Camel in Nubra Valley, Image by Pexels Imad Clicks

Camel in Nubra Valley, Image by Pexels Imad Clicks

The cultural narrative woven into the Nubra Valley’s fabric is profound. The valley echoes tales of the rich cultural exchange and the introduction of Buddhism in the 8th century from neighbouring Tibet, etching an indelible imprint on its culture. The Diskit Monastery, perched majestically atop an ancient fort, tells these tales. Inaugurated by Dalai Lama in 2010, a visit here for the morning prayers at dawn lets you immerse in the powerful chants, the mellifluous horns, and the timeless wisdom that reverberates in the cold mountain air.

Read More: 11 Reasons To Visit Sikkim, India’s Alps

Diskit Monastery, Photo by Upbeat Nomad on Unsplash

Diskit Monastery, Photo by Upbeat Nomad on Unsplash

But the spiritual journey doesn’t end here. The valley unfolds further with the old 18th-century Samstanling Monastery, filled with vibrant murals, and the Chamba Gompa at Hunder, where the large gold Maitreya Buddha statue sits in solemn serenity. The echoes of Buddhist chants, the aroma of incense, and the spirituality imbued in these sacred spaces invoke a deep sense of peace and belonging.

“Unravel the enchantment of Nubra Valley, a high-altitude wonder nestled in the heart of Ladakh. Experience the emotional resonance of its historic allure, culture, and surreal landscapes.” Vishal Jain

The Nubra Valley also lures you with its quiet hamlets like the Panamik Village, where hot springs serve as nature’s own spa. From here, a trek to the scenic Ensa Gompa infuses the adventure with spiritual nuances. Close by, the crystal-clear Lake Yarab Tso near Sumur Village mirrors the surrounding tranquillity, painting a captivating image that remains etched in the memory.

Not all narratives in Nubra are of stillness and tranquillity, though. The valley’s wild side comes alive in the thrilling white-water rafting expeditions on the Zanskar River and cycling through the rugged terrains. For the adventurous souls, the high-altitude desert environment of Hunder Village and the exhilarating views from the Zamskhang Palace ruins weave tales of a different kind, equally riveting.

Stargasing when at Nubra Valley, Hunder, India, Photo by Fahrul Azmi on Unsplash

Stargasing when at Nubra Valley, Hunder, India, Photo by Fahrul Azmi on Unsplash

As the day folds, the valley dons a celestial cloak. Star gazing in this high-altitude paradise, far removed from the city lights, is a magical experience, connecting you to the universe in a profound way. You begin to understand the cosmic dance and our humble part in it.

Nubra Valley’s allure extends to its culinary delights and comfortable accommodations too. Luxurious campsites provide a taste of the nomadic lifestyle, while local cuisines serve up a delectable blend of flavours that complement the overall experience.

A mountain stream in Leh, Photo by Rish Agarwal on Unsplash

A mountain stream in Leh, Photo by Rish Agarwal on Unsplash

As you leave the Nubra Valley, you carry with you a part of its soul. The echoes of the Buddhist chants, the taste of the crisp mountain air, the invigorating feeling of the adrenaline rush, the tranquillity of the monasteries, and the surreal landscapes all leave an indelible imprint on your spirit. Nubra Valley isn’t just a destination; it’s a symphony of emotions that harmonize to create an unforgettable melody of experiences, a journey into the depths of your soul. Here, you don’t just discover a place; you discover yourself. ◼

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© This article was first published online in June 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Nubra Valley: An Adventure Through India’s Himalayan Hideaway first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Uncovering Hon Kho Island: Vietnam’s Marine Masterpiece Tue, 20 Jun 2023 03:03:43 +0000 Maritime Marvels of Hon Kho Island: A Vietnamese Paradise. Upon embarking on a journey to Quy Nhon, a coastal gem in Vietnam, the promise of adventure and tranquillity lures you in. Hon Kho Island steals the spotlight with its captivating allure amid the mesmerising landscapes and islands. It’s a destination where each grain of sand, […]

The post Uncovering Hon Kho Island: Vietnam’s Marine Masterpiece first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Maritime Marvels of Hon Kho Island: A Vietnamese Paradise. Upon embarking on a journey to Quy Nhon, a coastal gem in Vietnam, the promise of adventure and tranquillity lures you in. Hon Kho Island steals the spotlight with its captivating allure amid the mesmerising landscapes and islands. It’s a destination where each grain of sand, every ripple of the azure sea, and the vibrant underwater spectacle weave together a story of serene beauty and exhilaration.

To truly appreciate Hon Kho Island, one must immerse oneself in its maritime offerings. A kaleidoscope of marine life finds its sanctuary here, with snorkelers and paddlers becoming the fortunate spectators. As a local islander and tour guide highlighted, “Every time I dive into these waters, I feel like I’m entering an enchanted kingdom.”

Imagine being on a paddleboard, the golden sunrise or crimson sunset painting the sky and the sea with spectacular hues. The calm yet assertive rhythm of the waves beneath and the cool wind whistling past adds a tingling sensation to the experience. Such are the moments that make Hon Kho Island a place where time seems to stand still.

In the peak of summer, between May and July, a unique phenomenon occurs beneath the shimmering surface of the waters surrounding Hon Kho. A vibrant bloom of seaweed emerges, painting a stunning picture akin to a “golden field” beneath the sea. The arrival of this underwater spectacle marks the season when marine life thrives, creating a surreal snorkelling experience. One of the frequent visitors, Minh Tran, describes it as “Diving into a treasure chest of nature’s best-kept secrets.”

Read More: Luxurious Train Journey In Vietnam With Vietage

The beauty of Hon Kho Island extends beyond the marine spectacle. You can explore the island’s nooks and crannies in a rented boat or canoe. Each row offers a new panorama – the rustic dry cliffs juxtaposed with the vivacious sea, the floating raft nestled close to the shoreline, and the sun playing peekaboo with the clear, blue waters.

Exploring Quy Nhon

Just a 6-kilometre ride from Quy Nhon, the island is marked by its ancient geological history, evident in the parched cliffs reaching out towards the sea. This contrast between the arid cliffs and the vibrant marine life creates a striking paradox, adding to the island’s uniqueness.

While the appeal of Hon Kho Island is unmistakable, the wider region of Quy Nhon in Vietnam also offers a plethora of sights and experiences. From the pristine sands of Ky Co Island to the mystical caves of the Wind Strait and the serene beauty of the Ngoc Hoa Monastery, Quy Nhon is a symphony of awe-inspiring landscapes waiting to be discovered.

Read More: Explore Con Dao, Vietnam’s Hidden Island Getaway

A trip to Hon Kho Island isn’t merely a journey – it’s a harmonious symphony of land and sea, offering an unparalleled experience of connecting with nature. Here, every moment is laden with the enchanting tranquillity of the untouched environment and a refreshing dose of ‘Vitamin Sea’. ◼

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© This article was first published online in June 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Uncovering Hon Kho Island: Vietnam’s Marine Masterpiece first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Dubai’s 5 Adventure & Thrills For Your Bucket List Mon, 19 Jun 2023 08:21:17 +0000 Dubai’s five thrilling adventures await! Dubai, a city synonymous with opulence and luxury, extends far beyond its reputation for indulgent experiences and lavish lifestyles. Beneath the glitter of this metropolis unfolds a thrilling playground for adrenaline enthusiasts, staging heart-pounding adventures that breach the boundaries of sheer excitement. Experience Dubai’s extreme side, dive headfirst into the […]

The post Dubai’s 5 Adventure & Thrills For Your Bucket List first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Dubai’s five thrilling adventures await! Dubai, a city synonymous with opulence and luxury, extends far beyond its reputation for indulgent experiences and lavish lifestyles. Beneath the glitter of this metropolis unfolds a thrilling playground for adrenaline enthusiasts, staging heart-pounding adventures that breach the boundaries of sheer excitement.

Experience Dubai’s extreme side, dive headfirst into the exhilarating pursuits offered by Skydive Dubai, zipline across XLine Dubai Marina, surf the sand dunes with Sandboarding Dubai, experience the thrill of flyboarding, and defy gravity with Dinner in the Sky. Fasten your seatbelts – an adrenaline-pumping ride awaits.

  1. Skydive Dubai: Defying Gravity and Soaring to New Heights

Begin your adventure with Skydive Dubai, a globally renowned skydiving centre that has become a bucket list activity for thrill-seekers visiting the Emirate. Here, you don’t just skydive; you dive into an adrenaline-filled experience that promises an unparalleled blend of excitement and awe.

Once aboard the aircraft, feel your heart pound as you ascend to the jump altitude of approximately 13,000 feet. As the doors open, you’ll experience the thrill of a 50 to 60-second freefall, reaching speeds up to 120 mph, before the parachute canopy opens for a serene 5-minute glide back to the drop zone.

One of the most compelling aspects of Skydive Dubai is the breathtaking view it offers. As you freefall and glide, you’ll enjoy a bird’s eye view of Palm Jumeirah, the world’s largest man-made island, and the stunning Dubai skyline, making for an unforgettable visual spectacle.

Location: Skydive Dubai, Al Seyahi St, Dubai Marina, Dubai


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  1. XLine Dubai Marina: A Thrilling Flight Like A Falcon Across the Urban Jungle

Your adrenaline journey continues with XLine Dubai Marina, an exceptional urban zipline experience. Nestled amidst the city’s architectural marvels, XLine isn’t just about the thrill of zip lining – it’s about taking in the panoramic views of one of the most spectacular skylines in the world.

XLine holds the record for the world’s longest urban zipline, extending a staggering 1 km from Amwaj Towers in JBR to Dubai Marina Mall. With speeds reaching up to 80 km/h, it provides an adrenaline rush unlike any other, making you feel like a falcon soaring over the urban landscape. As you take the leap of faith, you’ll dash across the marina, zipping past the towering skyscrapers and gliding over the shimmering marina waters.

Read More: Here’s What Will Be Dubai’s Hottest Luxury Hotel

As you soar, be sure to take in the mesmerizing views. The stunning Dubai Marina, with its luxury yachts and iconic landmarks like the Cayan Tower and Ain Dubai, zip beneath you, offering an unparalleled visual feast.

Location: Dubai Marina Mall


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  1. Sandboarding Dubai: Dune Adventures Await

Journey into the heart of Dubai’s desert to experience sandboarding, a thrilling adventure that has rapidly gained popularity among locals and tourists alike. This unique sport offers an exciting way to explore the vast, sandy landscapes of Dubai’s desert.

Sandboarding is similar to snowboarding, but instead of gliding down snow-covered slopes, you’ll be carving your path down towering sand dunes. Here, you will carve your way down towering sand dunes, an experience as surreal as it is thrilling, leaving a trail of golden dust in your wake. From learning the right stance to mastering your balance, each ride is a thrilling challenge offering endless fun.

Read More: 11 Best Luxury Hotels To Stay In Dubai, 2023

Apart from the adrenaline rush of sandboarding, the serene beauty of Dubai’s desert offers a memorable backdrop for your adventure. Experience the golden dunes stretching out as far as the eye can see, a sight to behold, especially at sunrise or sunset.

Location: 143 Al Nahda St, Al Qusais, Al Qusais 2, Dubai

  1. Flyboarding at Dubai: Dancing on the Waves of Adrenaline

From sand to sea, we plunge into the waters of the Arabian Gulf for a bout of flyboarding. Propelled by high-powered jets of water, you’ll soar into the sky and dive like a dolphin. This extreme water sport is as exhilarating as it sounds, testing your balance and agility while offering a massive adrenaline rush.

Flyboarding propels you into the air using a water jet pack attached to a board strapped to your feet. Thrust is created by water being forced under pressure from a personal watercraft into a pair of boots with jet nozzles underneath, allowing you to soar up to 15 meters in the air or to dive headlong through the waves.

As you ascend above the water, enjoy the breathtaking panoramic views of Dubai’s coast. And when you dive beneath the azure surface, experience the cool thrill of the Arabian Gulf. Flyboarding is not just an extreme sport; it’s an unforgettable aquatic adventure that looks amazing on your Instagram feed, giving you bragging rights and captivating your followers with envy-inducing moments.

  1. Dinner in the Sky: A Gourmet Feast in the Skyline’s Embrace

Our adrenaline journey concludes with a gourmet feast suspended 50 meters above Dubai’s impressive skyline. Dinner in the Sky, an international concept brought to Dubai, offers a unique blend of fine dining and thrilling heights that promises a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

With Dinner in the Sky, you’re in for a culinary treat. Renowned chefs prepare delectable dishes right before you, making the experience as interactive as it is appetizing. All the while, you’ll enjoy panoramic views of iconic Dubai landmarks, the scenery changing as the day turns into night.

Safety is paramount with Dinner in the Sky. Before hoisting the dining platform, guests are securely fastened into their seats with double safety belts. Dinner in the Sky offers different menus and schedules throughout the day, including breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner sessions. Each meal has a unique view – whether the morning sun is illuminating the city or the evening lights create a magical ambience.

Location: Al Sufoh, Skydive, Al Seyahi St, Dubai

From soaring in the sky to carving paths on desert dunes, defying gravity on the azure waters to indulging in a high-altitude feast, each experience redefines the boundaries of excitement and thrill. It’s time to discover Dubai’s extreme side, which surprises, delights, and challenges. The thrill awaits! ◼

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© This article was first published online in June 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Dubai’s 5 Adventure & Thrills For Your Bucket List first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Coast of Baunei: Sardinia’s Hidden Caves & Coastal Charms Fri, 16 Jun 2023 07:52:42 +0000 Experience Italy’s Coast of Baunei: Sandy Beaches, Underwater Caves, and Thrilling Outdoor Pursuits. With the ever-changing canvas of azure sea, dramatic cliffs, and unspoilt beaches, Baunei, a quaint mountain hamlet in Sardinia, Italy, remains one of the best-kept secrets in the realm of luxury travel. Framed by the grandeur of the Gulf of Orosei, Baunei […]

The post Coast of Baunei: Sardinia’s Hidden Caves & Coastal Charms first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Experience Italy’s Coast of Baunei: Sandy Beaches, Underwater Caves, and Thrilling Outdoor Pursuits. With the ever-changing canvas of azure sea, dramatic cliffs, and unspoilt beaches, Baunei, a quaint mountain hamlet in Sardinia, Italy, remains one of the best-kept secrets in the realm of luxury travel. Framed by the grandeur of the Gulf of Orosei, Baunei offers a blend of breathtaking natural beauty and immersive experiences that transcend the ordinary.

The Contrasting Beauty of Baunei’s Coastline: Rugged Cliffs and Pristine Shorelines

Nestled in the Province of Ogliastra, Baunei lies perched on the mountains, its boundaries kissing the cerulean waters of the central-eastern coast of Sardinia. An enchanting paradox of rugged cliffs and soft sand beaches, Baunei’s coastline often feels like a tantalizing secret whispered by the wind. Italy’s finest can be found among the treasure trove of its beaches, each more beguiling than the last.


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Cala Goloritzé: A Hidden Gem of Baunei’s Coastline with Intriguing Underwater Caves

The Coast of Baunei coast, also known as Costa di Baunei, is an aquatic theatre where nature puts on an awe-inspiring show. Home to some of the best beaches in Italy, the region’s underwater treasures are as captivating as its surface allure.

In the secluded embrace of Cala Goloritzé, visitors are treated to an exquisite blend of tranquillity and adventure. As you step onto the white sand beach, a sense of serenity washes over you, the gentle lapping of waves creating a soothing soundtrack. But there’s more to Cala Goloritzé than meets the eye.

Cala Goloritzè, Baunei, Photo by Kire on Unsplash

Cala Goloritzè, Baunei, Photo by Kire on Unsplash

Immersed in the crystal-clear waters lies a hidden world of underwater caves, beckoning explorers and thrill-seekers alike. Delving into these mysterious caves is an exhilarating experience that adds an extra layer of excitement to your beach visit.

Standing proudly in the backdrop of Cala Goloritzé is the iconic limestone pinnacle known as Aguglia di Goloritzé. Rising dramatically from the sea, this natural masterpiece serves as a breathtaking centrepiece, enhancing the beauty of the beach. Its sheer size and majestic presence form a remarkable backdrop for leisurely sunbathing, capturing the essence of both relaxation and adventure.

Exploring Cala Mariolu and the Mediterranean Coastline

Meanwhile, Cala Mariolu, another jewel of the Mediterranean, with its pebbled shoreline and serene waters, offers an enriching expedition for divers and snorkelers. The beach’s unique mosaic of colourful stones creates a visually stunning backdrop, while the calm and clear waters invite exploration.

One of the most beautiful secret beaches in Sardinia - Cala Mariolu, Photo by Leon Rohrwild on Unsplash

One of the most beautiful secret beaches in Sardinia – Cala Mariolu, Photo by Leon Rohrwild on Unsplash

Engaging boat tours provide an exclusive perspective of the Coast of Baunei, leading you into intriguing caves scattered across the landscape. For those who enjoy paddling, a kayak journey across the Mediterranean’s tranquil waters reveals hidden coastal gems, leaving the onlooker with a sense of awe and wonderment.

Journeying Through Baunei’s Wild: Adventures on Land

Beyond the captivating beaches and enticing sea, Baunei offers a range of exhilarating activities for adventure enthusiasts. For those who prefer the rugged allure of the land, Baunei’s terrain presents excellent opportunities for outdoor pursuits. Embark on the legendary Selvaggio Blu trail, renowned for its challenging yet rewarding trekking experience. The trail unveils the natural beauty of Baunei’s rugged landscape, offering breathtaking views and a test of endurance. From trekking to paragliding, mountain biking to quad 4×4 riding in the picturesque countryside, there is a bevvy of activities available to indulge your adventurous spirit.

Rock climbing enthusiasts can conquer the imposing cliffs that adorn Baunei, putting their skills and strength to the test. The towering cliffs provide an adrenaline rush and a sense of achievement as you conquer the heights.

The watercaves of Baunei, Photo by Michael Martinelli on Unsplash

The watercaves of Baunei, Photo by Michael Martinelli on Unsplash

In the heart of the island lies the Gennargentu National Park, a natural sanctuary filled with wild beauty and diverse wildlife. Its unspoilt nature and scenic views beckon visitors for a tranquil respite from the bustling coastal activities. Additionally, Baunei’s subterranean wonders, such as Grotta del Fico, Grotta della Madonnina, and Grotta del Miracolo, millions of years in the making, offer a unique blend of history and geology that can be explored by foot or boat.

Other hidden gems along the coast, such as Piscine di Venere, that’s like stepping into paradise, Cala di Pedra Longa with its rocky seashore, Cala dei Gabbiani’s dreamy vibe, top-rated Cala Biriala and the scenic Cala Sisine, enhance the Mediterranean charm and offer a plethora of choice for beach lovers.

Tourist by the Seashore near Rock Formation, Baunei, Photo by Martina Amaro, Pexels

Tourist by the Seashore near Rock Formation, Baunei, Photo by Martina Amaro, Pexels

Read More: Umbria, Italy’s Gourmet Treasure Trove

Baunei is not just a travel destination; it’s an experience that seeps into your soul, reshaping your perception of luxury travel. From its pristine beaches to the untamed beauty of its cliffs and the soulful echo of its culture, Baunei crafts a unique symphony of experiences that leave an indelible imprint on your heart. As you depart from this Sardinian haven, you leave behind a piece of your heart, forever intertwined with the spirit of Baunei, but you carry with you memories of an unrivalled paradise that will call out to you time and again. ◼

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© This article was first published online in June 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Coast of Baunei: Sardinia’s Hidden Caves & Coastal Charms first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Alpine Summer in Cortina d’Ampezzo: Italy’s Stylish Mountain Retreat Wed, 14 Jun 2023 12:48:16 +0000 The Allure of the Dolomites. Italy’s mountainous landscapes conceal a multitude of jewels, none shining brighter than the captivating town of Cortina d’Ampezzo. As the summer sun caresses the snow-capped peaks of the Dolomites, Cortina d’Ampezzo unveils its unique charm, effortlessly marrying natural grandeur with quintessential Italian style. Encrusted in the heart of the Dolomites, […]

The post Alpine Summer in Cortina d’Ampezzo: Italy’s Stylish Mountain Retreat first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

The Allure of the Dolomites. Italy’s mountainous landscapes conceal a multitude of jewels, none shining brighter than the captivating town of Cortina d’Ampezzo. As the summer sun caresses the snow-capped peaks of the Dolomites, Cortina d’Ampezzo unveils its unique charm, effortlessly marrying natural grandeur with quintessential Italian style.

Encrusted in the heart of the Dolomites, this range’s ethereal beauty forms a kaleidoscopic backdrop that is both daunting and enchanting. The Dolomites, elevated to the status of UNESCO World Heritage Site, captivate with their stark cliffs, deep valleys, and the pink hues they borrow from the setting sun—a phenomenon aptly named Enrosadira.

Alpine Summer in Italy’s Mountain Jewel: Unique Experiences in Cortina d’Ampezzo

In this dramatic landscape, Cortina d’Ampezzo reigns as a queen, her crown glittering with the snow from the surrounding peaks. Originally a quiet mining town, Cortina gradually evolved into a sophisticated hub, the so-called “Queen of the Dolomites.” It’s a town where Italian flair meets alpine simplicity, creating an ambience rich in culture, class, glitz and glamour.

Cortina d'Ampezzo, image by Cortina, Italy

Cortina d’Ampezzo, image by Cortina, Italy

As winter’s white cloak recedes, Cortina’s alpine summer emerges in a burst of colour. It’s a season painted with the green of sprawling meadows, the azure of clear skies, and the vibrant hues of alpine flowers. Outdoor enthusiasts find a paradise where horseback riding, hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing adventures wait at every turn. Treks lead to towering peaks, offering panoramas that stretch across the horizon, while cycling routes wind through lush valleys and past crystal-clear lakes.

Electrifying the Terrain: E-Biking in Cortina d’Ampezzo

For those seeking to explore the majestic landscape in a unique and exhilarating way, e-biking in Cortina d’Ampezzo offers an unparalleled experience. Navigating routes like the challenging “Fanes – 5 High Huts,” which spans under 48km and presents an elevation gain of 1500m, becomes more accessible with the assistance of an e-bike.

E bikes and Bambini Bikes in Cortina, Credits Ute Dandrea

E bikes and Bambini Bikes in Cortina, Credits Ute Dandrea

Alternatively, the “Pian de Loa” track provides a moderate challenge with its 300m elevation gain and 21km length, offering cyclists awe-inspiring views as they traverse through verdant meadows and rocky terrains. E-biking offers an eco-friendly, fun, and flexible way to uncover the region’s scenic beauty, adding a dash of adventure to the tranquil alpine summer.

Ascending Alpine Heights: The Thrill of Via Ferrata in Cortina d’Ampezzo

Cortina d’Ampezzo’s challenging vertical playground offers over 30 Via Ferrata routes, leading both amateur and seasoned climbers to conquer the stunning peaks of Ampezzo. These protected climbing routes, a series of steel cables, rungs, and bridges, navigate the region’s rocky terrain, offering a thrilling blend of hiking and climbing.

The medium-difficulty “Strobel” Via Ferrata is a particular standout. Scaling the west face of Punta Fiames north of Cortina, the route provides a satisfying challenge to climbers, all within an estimated time of under five hours. Its journey up the rocky cliff face offers unrivalled vistas of the surrounding Dolomite peaks, a spectacle that grows increasingly dramatic as the ascent continues.

Alternatively, for those seeking a gentler introduction to Via Ferrata, the “Giovanni Barbara” route provides an excellent starting point. This circuit meanders around the mesmerizing Fanes waterfalls and is suited for all skill levels, including families and beginners. This easy route is an enjoyable venture in under four hours.

Lastly, the Ra Bujela Via Ferrata, though more difficult, offers a memorable climbing experience with two suspended walkways of 7 and 3 metres, respectively. The path scales the right-hand Pomedes tower, facing the awe-inspiring Tofana mountain, affording climbers panoramic views of the entire valley, including the majestic Mount Tofana. With a completion time of under two hours, it’s a unique adventure that gives a taste of the real thrill of alpine climbing.

Yet, the essence of an alpine summer in Cortina goes beyond adventure. It’s about soaking in the tranquil aura of the landscape, allowing the crisp mountain air to clear your mind while the serene vistas soothe your spirit. Venture into the protected wilderness of the Natural Park of the Ampezzo Dolomites, a testament to Cortina’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage. This 11,200-hectare sanctuary showcases the biodiversity of the region, home to countless species of flora and fauna against the backdrop of towering Dolomite peaks. Imagine leisurely strolls through dense pine forests, quaint picnics by babbling brooks, and evenings spent stargazing in the park, unmarred by the harsh lights of the city.

Nightlife and Shopping: Cortina’s Chic Allure

Cortina d’Ampezzo offers not only natural splendours but an enticing urban scene as well. As the sun dips behind the Dolomites, the town’s vibrant nightlife wakes up. From cosy wine bars offering local vintages to pulsating clubs where music echoes into the night, there’s an exciting array of options for those seeking to mingle with the fashionable set.

In daylight, Cortina is a shopper’s paradise. With around 250 shops, it showcases the best of ‘Made in Italy’. Designer boutiques line the streets, offering high fashion, artisan crafts, and exquisite jewellery. It’s a celebration of Italian flair and sophistication right at the heart of the Alps.

Cortina's chic allure photo by Dietmar Rauscher, iStock

Cortina’s chic allure photo by Dietmar Rauscher, iStock

Culinary Delights at Cortina d’Ampezzo

The appeal of Cortina d’Ampezzo transcends its stunning landscapes to embrace the rich culinary heritage of the region. This charming town is a treasure trove of gastronomic delights, where you can savour everything from traditional mountain fare to innovative dishes that add a contemporary twist to age-old recipes.

Restaurants, mountain lodges and alpine farms dot the landscape, each offering a unique culinary experience. Savour mouth-watering plates of polenta crowned with slow-cooked venison stew, delight in the tang of local cheeses and surrender to the sweet temptation of pastries filled with wild berries freshly picked from the surrounding forests.

Cortina d’Ampezzo’s award-winning restaurants, wine bars and alpine farms

One of the many aspects that make Cortina d’Ampezzo a culinary haven is its assortment of award-winning restaurants. Eight prestigious establishments lead the gastronomic scene here, each offering a memorable dining experience that transcends the ordinary.

A must-visit is the Michelin-starred Restaurant SanBrite, where Chef Riccardo Gaspari passionately weaves magic into his dishes. Recommended delights include the mountain-pine-flavoured spaghetti and the innovative milk and larch-buds gelato—an homage to the locale’s flavours.

Celebrating over twenty years of Michelin recognition, Restaurant Tivoli stands as a testament to the longevity of fine dining in Cortina d’Ampezzo. Here, traditional techniques marry innovative approaches to yield dishes that are as visually appealing as they are palatable.

The exceptional Baita Fraina is another gem, run by two brothers, Adolfo and Alessandro Menardi, along with their wives, Anna and Tiziana. With an impressive wine list and a breathtaking view of the Tofane and the 5 Torri mountain groups, it offers a comprehensive sensory experience.

Rounding off this culinary tour are Al Camin, Pié Tofana, El Camineto, and La Corte del Lampone, each contributing to the rich gastronomic tapestry that is Cortina d’Ampezzo.

Dotted amongst the mesmerizing landscapes of Cortina d’Ampezzo are fine wine bars, attracting both connoisseurs and casual enthusiasts with their extensive selection of local and international vintages.

Enoteca Villa Sandi is an iconic wine bar with an outdoor terrace that offers a breathtaking view of the Dolomites. It provides an excellent backdrop for a leisurely evening savouring exquisite wines. Whether you’re in the mood for a full-bodied red or a refreshing white, Villa Sandi’s vast collection has you covered.

The Baita Fraina wine bar, managed by the affable Adolfo Menardi, is another must-visit destination for oenophiles. Here, fine wines harmonize with exquisite gourmet culinary creations by chef Alessandro Menardi, making for a match made in gastronomic heaven. Whether you’re toasting to a day of adventure or winding down in the evening, these wine bars add a touch of elegance to your Cortina experience.

One of the culinary delights of Cortina d’Ampezzo lies in its traditional alpine farms, where you can relish authentic, homemade dishes crafted from the freshest local ingredients. These farms, or “malgas”, are the heart of the region’s farm-to-table philosophy, serving an array of rustic fare that warms the soul and delights the palate.

Malga Ra Stua, for example, prepares appetizing dishes like “tagliatelle alla Ra Stua” with sausages and mushrooms and hearty chops with polenta and melted cheese, providing a comforting retreat after a day of exploration.

Meanwhile, El Brite De Larieto offers a gastronomic experience under the guidance of chef Riccardo Gaspari. Here, every dish, from cured meats to desserts like ice cream and panna cotta, is homemade, capturing the essence of traditional cuisine. The farm’s specialities include gnocchi filled with cheese or artichokes and red beetroot canerderli served on a bed of horseradish cream – a distinctive flavour journey not to be missed.

Visiting these alpine farms provides not only a delightful culinary experience but also a closer connection to the region’s rich agricultural heritage and the loving hands that continue to nourish it. The experience isn’t complete without a nod to the local vineyards. Producing some of the region’s most exceptional wines, each sip captures the very soul of the Dolomites, creating a symphony of flavours that dance on the palate.

Luxurious accommodation at Cortina d’Ampezzo

But no discourse on Cortina d’Ampezzo is complete without mention of its stylish accommodations. From rustic mountain lodges, chalets to luxury hotels, Cortina’s hospitality sector prides itself on offering a personalized retreat. Here, traditional architecture meets modern design, all infused with a touch of alpine charm. These properties provide more than just a place to sleep; they offer panoramic views, wellness centres, gourmet restaurants, and a chance to experience the Dolomite’s characteristic “enrosadira” from your private balcony.

Cristallo, A Luxury Collection Resort & Spa

Cristallo, A Luxury Collection Resort & Spa

Staying in Cortina d’Ampezzo offers a range of opulent options that effortlessly marry the rustic charm of the alpine surroundings with luxurious amenities. For instance, Cristallo, A Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, is an architectural delight inspired by the Art Nouveau movement, offering a regal experience to its guests.

Hotel Miramonti Majestic Grand Hotel

Hotel Miramonti Majestic Grand Hotel

Then there’s Hotel Miramonti Majestic Grand Hotel, a historic establishment that has been a holiday home for kings, princes, actors, and many other notable personalities. Its grandeur reflects in its service, as it continues to offer a royal retreat to its guests.

Hotel Franceschi, on the other hand, is a traditional hotel where classic meets comfort, a perfect place to relax after a day of exploration. And for those looking for an intimate experience, Hotel Ambra Cortina, a glamorous and fashion luxury boutique hotel, offers only 23 rooms. Each detail here is meticulously crafted, ensuring an exclusive and unforgettable stay. Adding to the mix of Cortina’s luxurious accommodations is The Grand Hotel Savoia Cortina. A centurion in its existence, it opens a window to the world of fine living with beautifully-appointed rooms, excellent gastronomy at Ristorante Savoy, and an array of luxury services. From chic dining establishments to a rejuvenating spa, the hotel is an ideal stay for sports enthusiasts and nature lovers, promising to add a touch of glamour and a taste of a luxurious lifestyle to their alpine retreat.

These establishments highlight the diversity of accommodations in Cortina, providing guests with a multitude of choices to fit their style, preferences, and luxury needs. The charm of Cortina d’Ampezzo lies in its remarkable ability to harmonize the grandeur of the Dolomites with a stylish Italian sensibility. It’s a place where every stone whispers a story, every trail leads to discovery, and every meal is a celebration. An Alpine summer in Cortina d’Ampezzo isn’t merely a vacation—it’s an experience that engages the senses, revives the spirit, and leaves an indelible impression on the heart. ◼

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© This article was first published online in June 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Alpine Summer in Cortina d’Ampezzo: Italy’s Stylish Mountain Retreat first appeared on World Travel Magazine.
