Epic Adventures | World Travel Magazine https://www.wtravelmagazine.com World Travel Magazine is the leading luxury travel & lifestyle magazine Sun, 13 Aug 2023 16:32:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 A Nordic Escape – Nature Answers Life’s Intimate Queries https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/a-nordic-escape-nature-answers-lifes-intimate-queries/ https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/a-nordic-escape-nature-answers-lifes-intimate-queries/?noamp=mobile#respond Sun, 13 Aug 2023 16:15:00 +0000 https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/?p=23050 Norwegian Notes: Of Aurora Nights and Viking Insights. Journeying deep into Nordic wonder, I found myself. Lost in the realms of Norse mythology and studded with icy fjords, endless green forests, and mirrored lakes, the Nordic region unfolds as an inspirational tale of the primal bond between man and nature. As I disembarked from the […]

The post A Nordic Escape – Nature Answers Life’s Intimate Queries first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Norwegian Notes: Of Aurora Nights and Viking Insights. Journeying deep into Nordic wonder, I found myself. Lost in the realms of Norse mythology and studded with icy fjords, endless green forests, and mirrored lakes, the Nordic region unfolds as an inspirational tale of the primal bond between man and nature.

As I disembarked from the plane at Tromsø Airport, Norway greeted me with the ethereal luminescence of an Arctic dawn. The crisp morning air, rich with the scent of pine and the cold sea, was a rejuvenating welcome to this majestic land.

A Voyage into the Heart of Tromsø: The Fjord’s Lullaby and Wildlife’s Serenade

Embarking on a classic mahogany boat, we set sail onto the Arctic Sea, the stunning fjords and straits of Tromsø beckoning us. Each moment was a sensory delight: from the taste of delectable Arctic fish and warming drinks to the myriad of birds we spotted, including sea eagles, guillemots, and eider ducks. The playful antics of puffins, the graceful swim of dolphins, and the distant silhouette of reindeer by the shore made it an unforgettable experience.

Places like Lyngen and Ulls, where the fjords showcased their most dramatic beauty, reflected not just the natural grandeur but also my introspective journey through Norway. Serenity overwhelmed me, making me realize my minuscule existence amidst this vast cosmic tale.


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Under the Aurora’s Embrace in Norway: A Husky Night to Remember in Tromsø

In the heart of Tromsø’s wilderness, the husky camp was alight with more than just the campfire’s glow. The sky unfurled a symphony of colours, the Northern Lights dancing above with an elegance I could hardly fathom. Relaxing by the campfire, the toasted marshmallows felt like a sweet complement to the visual feast above. The resident dogs, each vying for attention, added a playful touch to the evening’s magic.

In the warmth of an authentic lavvo (Sami tent), we sipped on steaming drinks, our gazes often drifting upwards, entranced by the Aurora’s ballet. And as if the evening couldn’t get more Norwegian, we were served a hearty dish of bacalao made with tomato and cod, the perfect endnote to a Nordic night out.

But what stole the show, you ask? The Northern Lights? Well, certainly, it’s hard to compete with a celestial light show that could give Vegas a run for its money. Or was it the cruise, with its cast of seals, otters, and a plethora of birdlife, that put any Disney animation to shame?


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All of these made my Nordic escapade an unforgettable tour de force. I can’t help but think of this journey as one for the glossy pages and Instagram reels. Concluding this Nordic escapade, I find myself slightly more Viking, a bit more wanderer, and definitely several notches up in my appreciation for a good pair of thermal socks. Safe travels, and may your inner compass always point north! ◼

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© This article was first published online in Aug 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post A Nordic Escape – Nature Answers Life’s Intimate Queries first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

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Nubra Valley: An Adventure Through India’s Himalayan Hideaway https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/nubra-valley-an-adventure-through-indias-himalayan-hideaway/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 09:09:20 +0000 https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/?p=22986 Immersive Journey Through Ladakh’s Nubra Valley. High above the mundane and beyond the ordinary, the Nubra Valley in Ladakh, India, awaits – an enchanting realm where emotions echo against the mountains. It’s not just a journey through snow-capped peaks and arid deserts, but a voyage into the depths of your soul, stirring a sense of […]

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Immersive Journey Through Ladakh’s Nubra Valley. High above the mundane and beyond the ordinary, the Nubra Valley in Ladakh, India, awaits – an enchanting realm where emotions echo against the mountains. It’s not just a journey through snow-capped peaks and arid deserts, but a voyage into the depths of your soul, stirring a sense of awe and reverence that resonates long after the journey ends.

The call of Nubra Valley begins in Leh, the capital of Ladakh, and takes you 120km through the Khardung La Pass, standing proud at over 10,000 feet above sea level. Winding through the Karakoram and Ladakh mountain ranges, the journey unveils a symphony of contrasts as rugged Himalayan peaks give way to lush hamlets and verdant orchards. The valley sprawls between the mountain ranges and the serene Shyok River, inviting explorers to trace the river’s banks and ascend the mountain tops.

Nubra Valley in Ladakh, India, Image by Pexels Arthouse Studio

Nubra Valley in Ladakh, India, Image by Pexels Arthouse Studio

It’s not just the unique landscapes that charm you in Nubra Valley. You can literally feel history under your feet as you tread the cold desert sand dunes on a Bactrian camel, these sturdy animals harkening back to the valley’s past as a crucial artery of the Silk Road. In Hunder, the experience of a camel safari elevates to a new level as the harsh desert seamlessly melds into verdant orchards – a mesmerizing spectacle that captivates the heart and feeds the soul.

Camel in Nubra Valley, Image by Pexels Imad Clicks

Camel in Nubra Valley, Image by Pexels Imad Clicks

The cultural narrative woven into the Nubra Valley’s fabric is profound. The valley echoes tales of the rich cultural exchange and the introduction of Buddhism in the 8th century from neighbouring Tibet, etching an indelible imprint on its culture. The Diskit Monastery, perched majestically atop an ancient fort, tells these tales. Inaugurated by Dalai Lama in 2010, a visit here for the morning prayers at dawn lets you immerse in the powerful chants, the mellifluous horns, and the timeless wisdom that reverberates in the cold mountain air.

Read More: 11 Reasons To Visit Sikkim, India’s Alps

Diskit Monastery, Photo by Upbeat Nomad on Unsplash

Diskit Monastery, Photo by Upbeat Nomad on Unsplash

But the spiritual journey doesn’t end here. The valley unfolds further with the old 18th-century Samstanling Monastery, filled with vibrant murals, and the Chamba Gompa at Hunder, where the large gold Maitreya Buddha statue sits in solemn serenity. The echoes of Buddhist chants, the aroma of incense, and the spirituality imbued in these sacred spaces invoke a deep sense of peace and belonging.

“Unravel the enchantment of Nubra Valley, a high-altitude wonder nestled in the heart of Ladakh. Experience the emotional resonance of its historic allure, culture, and surreal landscapes.” Vishal Jain

The Nubra Valley also lures you with its quiet hamlets like the Panamik Village, where hot springs serve as nature’s own spa. From here, a trek to the scenic Ensa Gompa infuses the adventure with spiritual nuances. Close by, the crystal-clear Lake Yarab Tso near Sumur Village mirrors the surrounding tranquillity, painting a captivating image that remains etched in the memory.

Not all narratives in Nubra are of stillness and tranquillity, though. The valley’s wild side comes alive in the thrilling white-water rafting expeditions on the Zanskar River and cycling through the rugged terrains. For the adventurous souls, the high-altitude desert environment of Hunder Village and the exhilarating views from the Zamskhang Palace ruins weave tales of a different kind, equally riveting.

Stargasing when at Nubra Valley, Hunder, India, Photo by Fahrul Azmi on Unsplash

Stargasing when at Nubra Valley, Hunder, India, Photo by Fahrul Azmi on Unsplash

As the day folds, the valley dons a celestial cloak. Star gazing in this high-altitude paradise, far removed from the city lights, is a magical experience, connecting you to the universe in a profound way. You begin to understand the cosmic dance and our humble part in it.

Nubra Valley’s allure extends to its culinary delights and comfortable accommodations too. Luxurious campsites provide a taste of the nomadic lifestyle, while local cuisines serve up a delectable blend of flavours that complement the overall experience.

A mountain stream in Leh, Photo by Rish Agarwal on Unsplash

A mountain stream in Leh, Photo by Rish Agarwal on Unsplash

As you leave the Nubra Valley, you carry with you a part of its soul. The echoes of the Buddhist chants, the taste of the crisp mountain air, the invigorating feeling of the adrenaline rush, the tranquillity of the monasteries, and the surreal landscapes all leave an indelible imprint on your spirit. Nubra Valley isn’t just a destination; it’s a symphony of emotions that harmonize to create an unforgettable melody of experiences, a journey into the depths of your soul. Here, you don’t just discover a place; you discover yourself. ◼

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© This article was first published online in June 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Nubra Valley: An Adventure Through India’s Himalayan Hideaway first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Untamed Elegance of North Iceland: The 8 Unmissable Sights https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/untamed-elegance-of-north-iceland-the-8-unmissable-sights/ Thu, 01 Jun 2023 13:01:59 +0000 https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/?p=22909 Celestial Symphony in the Arctic: An Exclusive Journey Through North Iceland’s Majestic Wonders. There’s an arresting allure to the Arctic North, a beckoning call to luxury travellers searching for the unexplored, the untouched, the transcendent. North Iceland, a region often eclipsed by its southern counterpart, beckons with an exceptional array of attractions. Its mystical allure […]

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Celestial Symphony in the Arctic: An Exclusive Journey Through North Iceland’s Majestic Wonders. There’s an arresting allure to the Arctic North, a beckoning call to luxury travellers searching for the unexplored, the untouched, the transcendent. North Iceland, a region often eclipsed by its southern counterpart, beckons with an exceptional array of attractions. Its mystical allure peaks in the summer and autumn months of 2023, when the rugged landscapes morph into panoramas of ethereal beauty, embracing the midsummer phenomenon when the sun graces the sky for a full 24 hours, transforming every vista into a world bathed in endless light.

Akureyri: The Beating Heart of the North

Nestled deep within the cradle of Eyjafjorour Fjord lies Akureyri, the bustling capital of North Iceland. Deemed as the vibrant heart of the Arctic North, Akureyri is a captivating confluence of natural beauty and cultural vibrancy, a bustling hub where tradition meets modernity and where the northern lights dance above the cityscape.

Dettifoss: The Roaring Power of the Arctic

A visit to North Iceland would be incomplete without the thundering spectacle of Dettifoss, one of Europe’s mightiest waterfalls. With a remarkable width of 100 meters and a drop of 45 meters, this awe-inspiring force of nature is a testament to the raw, untamed beauty of Iceland’s wilderness.

Read More: An Icelandic Road Trip

Asbyrgi: Echoes of Ancient Legends

In the realm of Vatnajokull National Park lies the Asbyrgi Canyon, a dramatic horseshoe-shaped depression etched into the landscape by the hand of ancient glaciers. This geological wonder, steeped in Viking legends and folklore, promises an immersive, otherworldly experience amidst its towering cliffs and verdant flora.

The Arctic Henge: Gateway to Norse Mythology

Journey to Raufarhofn, one of the northernmost villages strung along the Arctic Coast Way, and discover the Arctic Henge. This mystical edifice, steeped in Norse mythology, serves as a symbolic portal into the ancient world of the gods, a testament to Iceland’s rich cultural tapestry and a truly enigmatic landmark.

Hvitserkur: A Sculpture Carved by Nature

Hvitserkur, a monolithic sea stack rising from the ocean, presents a sight to behold. This distinctive geological marvel, carved by relentless waves and Arctic winds, stands as a testament to nature’s artistic prowess, evoking awe and wonder in equal measure.

Kalfshamarsvik: A Cove of Singular Splendor

Lying within the secluded reaches of northern Skagi is Kalfshamarsvik, a hidden gem graced with unique basalt sea cliffs. These natural sculptures, forged by volcanic forces, create an entrancing vista that etches itself indelibly into the memory of every privileged observer.

Kolugljufur: The Whispering Canyons

Find a transcendent connection with nature at Kolugljufur Canyon, a serene spot adorned with a necklace of cascading waterfalls. From the viewing platform, one can appreciate the breathtaking spectacle, a scene that takes on a new dimension of beauty with each passing season.

Geothermal Baths: Indulgence in Iceland’s Natural Spas

North Iceland is renowned for its abundant geothermal baths dispersed across its untamed landscapes. From beer baths and warm seawater pools to secluded springs nestled within forests and lava fields, these natural spas offer a unique wellness experience, combining relaxation and rejuvenation with the splendid scenery of Iceland’s Arctic North.


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Read More: Sail To Iceland With Ponant’s Luxury Expedition Ship Le Bellot In Style

From its charming villages and mythical landmarks to the raw power of nature etched into every corner, North Iceland emerges as a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. A journey into this region is not merely an exploration of its magnificent landscapes, but an immersion into a world that blends tranquillity with adventure, culture with wilderness, and luxury with the primal. As you voyage into the Arctic North, let the rhythm of Iceland’s heartbeats guide you to a realm that defies the ordinary and invites the extraordinary. ◼

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© This article was first published online in June 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Untamed Elegance of North Iceland: The 8 Unmissable Sights first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Why Sailing Is A Better Way To Explore Portugal’s Hidden Gems? https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/why-sailing-is-a-better-way-to-explore-portugals-hidden-gems/ Mon, 24 Apr 2023 11:52:23 +0000 https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/?p=22832 There’s nothing quite like sailing along the coast of Portugal during the summer. Gliding through the crystal-clear waters, you’ll be surrounded by breathtaking coastline views and the open sea. The salty sea breeze will whip through your hair, and the warm sun will kiss your skin, creating an unforgettable experience you’ll cherish forever. Whether you’re […]

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There’s nothing quite like sailing along the coast of Portugal during the summer. Gliding through the crystal-clear waters, you’ll be surrounded by breathtaking coastline views and the open sea. The salty sea breeze will whip through your hair, and the warm sun will kiss your skin, creating an unforgettable experience you’ll cherish forever. Whether you’re an experienced sailor or a beginner, there’s no better way to explore the beauty of Portugal than by sailing.

One of the best things about sailing in Portugal is the opportunity to explore some of the country’s most exclusive and unspoiled locations. From secluded coves to pristine beaches, the Portuguese coast is full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. And with a skipper included, you won’t have to worry about navigating unfamiliar waters. Instead, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride as you’re taken to some of the most breathtaking destinations in Portugal.

In addition to the stunning scenery, sailing in Portugal offers a chance to indulge in the country’s delicious gastronomy. From freshly caught seafood to locally sourced produce, Portugal is a food lover’s paradise. And with so many charming seaside towns and fishing villages dotted along the coast, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to sample the local cuisine. So whether you’re dining on board your yacht or exploring a quaint seaside restaurant, the food in Portugal is sure to tantalize your taste buds.

But the most rewarding part of sailing in Portugal is the chance to disconnect from the world and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. As you sail along the coast, you’ll leave behind the hustle and bustle of daily life and enter a world of tranquillity and serenity. The only sounds you’ll hear are the gentle lapping of the waves and the creaking of the boat’s rigging, creating a peaceful, calming atmosphere that will rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.

The Ocean Week - Why Sailing Is A Better Way To Explore Portugal’s Hidden Gems

The Ocean Week – Why Sailing Is A Better Way To Explore Portugal’s Hidden Gems

Joys of Summer Sailing in Portugal: A Social, Eco-Friendly, and Unforgettable Experience

For those seeking a more social experience, consider joining a flotilla format with a group of like-minded individuals, where a fleet of between 5 and 15 boats always sail together. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, make friends, and share your love of sailing.

During the day, there are a variety of water sports activities to enjoy, or you can explore picturesque towns and cities along the coastline. Then, take a leisurely stroll through the charming streets and alleys, where you’ll find an abundance of authentic cafes, restaurants, and shops that offer the very best of local cuisine.

Read More: A Gastro Romantic Escape To Porto

But it’s not just about the adventure and excitement of sailing. It’s also about being mindful of the environment. By choosing a fleet equipped with renewable energy, you can help reduce your carbon footprint and enjoy the natural beauty of Portugal with a clear conscience.


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If you’re looking for a unique and unforgettable getaway, a summer sailing holiday in Portugal is an excellent choice. This exclusive and unspoiled experience is available through The Ocean Week,” where you can embark on a sailing adventure with a group of friends who share your passion for the sea.


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The Ocean Week Portugal starts in Lagos, Portimão and sails to Benagil, Farol, Culatra, Vilamoura, and ends in Ferragudo. Indulge in this remarkable vacation and discover the beauty of Portugal from a different perspective. ◼

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© This article was first published online in Apr 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Why Sailing Is A Better Way To Explore Portugal’s Hidden Gems? first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Experience Safari In Luxury At JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/experience-safari-in-luxury-at-jw-marriott-masai-mara-lodge/ Wed, 05 Apr 2023 12:34:55 +0000 https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/?p=22794 JW Marriott, a name synonymous with luxury and exceptional hospitality, has made its debut in the luxury safari segment by opening its latest venture – the JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge. Nestled in the heart of the Masai Mara National Reserve in southwestern Kenya, this lodge offers transformative experiences and meaningful connections with nature. The […]

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JW Marriott, a name synonymous with luxury and exceptional hospitality, has made its debut in the luxury safari segment by opening its latest venture – the JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge. Nestled in the heart of the Masai Mara National Reserve in southwestern Kenya, this lodge offers transformative experiences and meaningful connections with nature.

The Masai Mara is widely regarded as one of Africa’s most renowned wilderness conservation regions, and the JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge has been crafted to provide guests with a sanctuary from which to discover nature and breathtaking vistas in harmony.

With guided game drives, guests can observe the “Big Five” that the Masai Mara is home to, including lions, leopards, buffalos, rhinoceros, and elephants. In addition, between June and September, guests can witness the annual great wildebeest migration from the Serengeti, an unforgettable experience.

The lodge is located at River Talek, a water source and habitat for many wildlife species, allowing guests to observe wildlife from the comfort of their rooms or while enjoying a meal at the on-site restaurant. With its stunning location, luxurious amenities, and unparalleled hospitality, the JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge promises to be a game-changer in the luxury safari segment.

Read More: The New Look Of AndBeyond’s Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge

The Design of JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge

The JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge, designed by Kristina Zanic Consultants, blends the savannah inwards, drawing inspiration from the natural elements that surround it. The lodge’s soft, warm tones, natural materials, textures, and native colours thread through its design, creating a sense of harmony and tranquillity.

JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge's Tented Suite

JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge’s Tented Suite

JW Marriott Masai Mara's Tented Suite

JW Marriott Masai Mara’s Tented Suite

The lodge comprises 20 private tents, each with a private terrace overlooking the River Talek, providing guests with a peaceful sanctuary to relax and soak up the stunning views. For those seeking a more exclusive experience, the tented honeymoon suite has a private plunge pool, perfect for a romantic retreat. Families are also catered to, with two interconnecting king and twin suites available.

Culinary & Wellness Journeys at JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge

At the JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge, culinary journeys are integral to the experience. The lodge’s signature restaurant, JW Garden, offers outdoor dining in a lush garden setting, where guests can enjoy farm-to-table cuisine with organic ingredients sourced locally. In addition, the live cooking stations, interactive cocktail mixology, and chef-led talks make dining at JW Garden an interactive and unforgettable experience.

For those looking for a more relaxed setting, the Fig Tree Lounge offers panoramic views of the surrounding plains, with indoor and outdoor seating options available. The lounge serves a range of refreshing beverages, including cocktails, and is the perfect spot to unwind and soak up the stunning vistas.

JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge's Fig Tree Lounge

JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge’s Fig Tree Lounge

JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge's Spa by JW

JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge’s Spa by JW

The Spa by JW at the lodge offers a range of signature treatments that blend locally inspired techniques and therapies, using products by the renowned African skincare brand Healing Earth. Guests can indulge in a relaxing massage, facial, or body treatment while surrounded by the sounds of the wilderness, creating an immersive and rejuvenating experience.

Sustainability & local engagement at JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge

When it comes to engaging with the local community, one of the lodge’s ongoing initiatives is the Apprenticeship Programme, which invites young women from the surrounding community to diversify their skills and broaden their experience, kick-starting their careers in the hospitality industry.

The lodge also supports local organizations that protect the environment and its wildlife, such as The Mara Elephant Project and The Mara Protector Conservation Programme. Guests can learn more about these initiatives and the local culture from the lodge’s Head Guide, a lifelong conservationist who offers talks and guided walking tours.

Read More: No Ordinary Safari! Track Gorilla Families In East Africa

By prioritizing sustainability and community support, the JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge offers a luxurious safari experience and plays an essential role in preserving the natural beauty of the Masai Mara and empowering the local community. Guests can feel good knowing that their stay at the lodge is positively impacting the environment and the lives of those who call the region home.

“Fostering meaningful connections and nourishing the soul is at the heart of the JW Marriott brand, so entering the luxury safari segment is a natural next step,” said Bruce Rohr, Global Brand Leader, JW Marriott. “Offering our guests once-in-a-lifetime experiences and a deep connection to place, JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge balances the thrill of a game drive with thoughtful opportunities to switch off and take it all in.”

JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge is a 30-minute drive from Keekorok Airstrip and a 25-minute drive from Sekenani Main Gate. ◼

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© This article was first published online in Apr 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Experience Safari In Luxury At JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

6 Exquisite Indonesian Islands You Need To Visit https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/6-exquisite-indonesia-islands-you-need-to-visit/ Thu, 23 Feb 2023 16:11:24 +0000 https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/?p=22771 Indonesia is home to an abundance of beautiful islands, each with its unique charm and attractions. So whether you’re a nature lover, a beach bum, or a culture enthusiast, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Here are twelve of the most exquisite islands in Indonesia that should be on your travel list. 1. Why visit […]

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Indonesia is home to an abundance of beautiful islands, each with its unique charm and attractions. So whether you’re a nature lover, a beach bum, or a culture enthusiast, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Here are twelve of the most exquisite islands in Indonesia that should be on your travel list.

1. Why visit Labuan Bajo

Labuan Bajo, located in the westernmost tip of Flores, is one of the hottest off-grid locations right now in Indonesia. With its laid-back lifestyle and small harbour crowded with boats, Labuan Bajo is the perfect spot to relax and enjoy the tropical blue seas and islands dotting the skyline.

Labuan Bajo is an excellent choice whether you’re here to explore living out at sea on a liveaboard or enjoy beautiful beaches and encounter marine life. This small town is also the popular gateway for diving and snorkelling in the Komodo National Park – home of the famous Komodo dragons and stunning Pink Beach. Labuan Bajo is one destination that needs to be visited!

2. Things to do in Pulau Balbulol (Misool)

Pulau Balbulol is an idyllic and secluded corner of the Raja Ampat archipelago, blessed with crystal-clear waters and abundant marine life. In this corner of Indonesia, visitors can expect to see the vibrant Wilson Bird of Paradise in Dampier, along with various corals and exotic fishes.

Explore Pulau Balbulol on a yacht and feel like you’re in another world, entirely removed from city life. Take a leisurely snorkel or dive beneath the surface of the plankton-rich waters to observe the breathtaking biodiversity that Pulau Balbulol has to offer.

With more specific sights such as Tomolol Bay cave’s traditional rock paintings, beautiful Darat beach, waterfalls near Arefi Village, flying foxes at Mioskon, trekking up Mount Pindito, visiting a natural pearls farm in Aljui Bay and parrots at Kabui Bay – Pulau Balbulol is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

3. Why visit the Mentawai Islands

The Mentawai Islands are located off the west coast of Sumatra and are a paradise for adventure seekers. Consisting of four primary islands – Sipora, Siberut (a UNESCO reserve), South Pagai, and North Pagai – the Mentawai Islands provide a variety of activities for both land and sea.


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These beautiful islands boast some of Asia’s top surfing spots, including E’bay, Beng-beng, Nipussi, and Pitstop and some of the most breathtaking beaches in Indonesia, such as Mapadegat beach, Jati beach and Nang Nyang beach.


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With stunning trekking trails, excellent opportunities for pristine photography, and even live experiences with indigenous Mentawai tribes who practice traditional customs such as ‘turuk’ dances and hunting activities, this archipelago has something to offer everyone.

Add to this mix a vibrant animal life around every corner full of Siamang Dwarf (Bilou), Lutung Mentawai, Mentawai Ape (Bokkoi) and Pigtail Monkey (Simakobu) there is never a dull moment here. Add the Pujujurung and Simatobat waterfalls into the mix, set against a serene backdrop that will leave visitors in pure awe at Mother Nature’s capabilities when at Mentawai.

4. Belitung, a getaway in the making

Belitung is an island off the east coast of Sumatra that has been gaining recognition in recent years for its beautiful beaches, traditional villages, and UNESCO Geopark. Belitung lies between Singapore and Jakarta; however, it remains relatively isolated.

The full effect of Belitung’s beauty can be seen over its amazing turquoise waters, surrounded by many tiny islets and granite rock formations. Tanjung Pendam Beach, Tanjung Kelayang Beach, Lengkuas Island, and Tanjung Tinggi Beach are all great places to experience Belitung’s unique rocky landscape and stunning beaches.


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For those wanting something more adventurous, Batu Baginda offers a moderate hike to the top of a massive boulder with views over the Java Sea. Belitung also hosts other wonders such as Kaolin Lake – a bright turquoise mineral lake – and Tanjung Tinggi Beach, which holds Belitung’s most photogenic beach, with a giant balancing granite boulder. Belitung also features coral reefs and an interesting Dutch lighthouse from the 1800s, sure to fascinate historical buffs.

5. Wayag Island – the poster child for a tropical escape

Wayag Island in Raja Ampat, West Papua, is fifth on the list because it truly offers an unforgettable experience. Wayag Island is a paradise for nature lovers, boasting mesmerizing limestone cliffs, crystal clear waters and abundant marine life.

Whether you choose to explore the island by snorkelling or diving, you’re guaranteed to see vibrant coral and a vast array of species, including majestic manta rays. Wayag’s untouched beauty encompasses its pristine beaches and surrounding coves and atolls, which remain ever-peaceful with no soul in sight.

With a yacht or phinisi, you can treat yourself to an isolated paradise experience like no other. Wayag Island provides an incomparable escape that offers relaxation, adventure, and something special, and all rolled into one remarkable destination.

6. Sumba Island – a luxurious escape to paradise

Sumba Island is a luxurious escape to paradise, located in the Lesser Sunda Islands within East Nusa Tenggara. Sumba is known for its traditional culture and the Pasola Festival -an annual horseback riding competition for locals and visitors.

Aside from this, Sumba’s sweeping coastlines also provide stunning surf spots like Nihiwatu, Tarimbang Beach, Marosi Beach, Watu Malado Beach and Weekuri Lake – a magical saltwater lagoon with crystal clear waters.

Sumba never fails to amaze with its traditional culture in Kampung Tarung village and spectacular nature; a majestic 90-meter waterfall will take your breath away. Sumba Island is a splendid place to be experienced once in your lifetime if you’re looking for something away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Paradise awaits! ◼

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© This article was first published online in Feb 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post 6 Exquisite Indonesian Islands You Need To Visit first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Explora Journeys, A New, Luxurious Cruise Line Launches Explora I https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/explora-journeys-a-new-luxurious-cruise-line-launches-explora-i/ Mon, 09 Jan 2023 12:49:16 +0000 https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/?p=22651 Cruise-goers looking for an exclusive and luxurious experience should keep their eye on Explora Journeys, MSC Cruise’s new cruise line, which will level up the concept of luxury cruising with its debut this summer. Explora Journeys – a new, luxurious cruise line Branding their luxury cruise experience as an ‘Ocean State of Mind’,  Explora Journeys […]

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Cruise-goers looking for an exclusive and luxurious experience should keep their eye on Explora Journeys, MSC Cruise’s new cruise line, which will level up the concept of luxury cruising with its debut this summer.

Explora Journeys – a new, luxurious cruise line

Branding their luxury cruise experience as an ‘Ocean State of Mind’,  Explora Journeys offers a modern take on traditional cruises and encourages travellers to explore the seas beyond by transforming luxury cruises into ocean voyages that will captivate and inspire. With a tone that is both immersive and engaging, Explora Journeys offers an opulent masterclass in adventure for the ultimate luxurious experience.

Set to launch in 2023, the new flagship ship of Explora Journeys, Explora I, promises an opulent experience that strives to be far beyond any ordinary cruise line. From extravagant dinners in intimate dining rooms to wellness treatments in stylishly appointed relaxation areas and 5-star suites – Explora Journeys offers services more similar to exclusive yacht clubs than traditional cruises.

Explora I, designed in partnership with the world’s foremost superyacht and luxury hospitality designers

Explora I, designed in partnership with the world’s foremost superyacht and luxury hospitality designers

Explora Journeys’s first cruise ship – Explora I

Explora I had an ambitious goal: to sail across northern Europe, the east coast of the U.S. and South America, visiting 138 ports in 40 different countries in its first year.

With its smaller size compared to traditional cruise ships, Explora I can effortlessly navigate narrow channels, granting guests a front-row seat to less-frequented ports worldwide. Plus, with a crew-to-passenger ratio of 1.25 to 1, Explora I ensures an unsurpassed level of service throughout the journey.


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Exploring foreign destinations can be an extraordinary adventure full of culture, art, history, and cuisine. When travelling to renowned destinations ashore, the more extended port stays with Explora I allow for a deeper immersion into the local atmosphere. Instead of having to rush back to the ship within a few hours after an excursion in one day or foregoing an opportunity to have dinner in a local hotspot restaurant, travellers can explore the unique landmarks and offerings of distant ports away from their cruise ship and not be bound by tight itineraries.

Read More Newest, Biggest, Boldest Disney Cruise Ship Yet, Disney Wish, Sets Sail

The all-inclusive dining & lounging experience on Explore I

Explore I is upping its game with its all-inclusive, elevated dining and lounging experiences, curating immersive dining experiences for guests. Instead of a traditional dining hall, Explore I will offer extraordinary culinary experiences. It has six dining experiences that offer a variety of cuisine from all over the world: Pan-Asian cuisine with its vibrant flavours, the European steakhouse experience with its robust flavours, and French-inspired international cuisine that is sure to impress even the most discerning gustatory connoisseur.

The wine selection on board Explore I have been specially crafted to reflect the regional areas the ship travels around, bringing exciting options from boutique labels on board with knowledgeable Sommeliers on hand to provide helpful insights. Residents can also enjoy top-of-the-line creations from famous guest chefs joining the voyage, making for exceptional evenings in a unique environment.

On top of this, 12 bars and lounges are on board to provide an opulent atmosphere while sipping on first-class beverages and luxury in-suite dining for passengers to indulge in a private setting.

The Explora Lounge offers a 270-degree view of the sea on the Explora I, perfect for informal drinking and dining on the high seas. For adults-only relaxation, there is the exquisite Helios Pool & Bar featuring shades of blue with a stark panorama view.

Prefer to be immersed in an outdoor atmosphere? Sky Bar On 14 is your ideal destination for endless cocktails and commanding views from atop the cruise ship. Every voyage includes access to The Conservatory Pool & Bar for weather-protected lounging any time of day. Apart from the lounges, Explore I is an oasis of relaxation with 64 private cabanas and four lavish swimming pools providing plenty of luxurious spaces for guests to unwind.

The indoor pool on Explora I with a retractable glass roof will allow swimming and poolside relaxation in any weather

The indoor pool on Explora I with a retractable glass roof will allow swimming and poolside relaxation in any weather

Explore I’s oceanfront suites and residences

Explore I will have 461 oceanfront suites and residences to select from, with floor-to-ceiling windows and personal private terraces starting at 377 square feet. In addition to the options of Premium Suites with private dining rooms, VIP embarkation service is available for those occupying the Signature Penthouse Suite. Enjoying a home away from home at sea has never been more luxurious.

Explora Journeys is expanding its fleet beyond Explore I; five new ships will embark on global voyages from 2024 to 2028. ◼

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© This article was first published online in Jan 2023 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Explora Journeys, A New, Luxurious Cruise Line Launches Explora I first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Kenya’s Wild Adventure Activities Beyond Safaris & Beaches https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/kenyas-wild-adventure-activities-beyond-safaris-beaches/ Wed, 28 Dec 2022 16:34:59 +0000 https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/?p=22644 For luxury travellers looking for an extraordinary getaway experience, Kenya offers a world of adventure activities beyond its celebrated wildlife and breathtaking beaches. From January to March – prime season in this African Gem – indulge your senses with several must-do options. Try trekking & hiking safaris in Kenya Kenya is an excellent destination for […]

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For luxury travellers looking for an extraordinary getaway experience, Kenya offers a world of adventure activities beyond its celebrated wildlife and breathtaking beaches. From January to March – prime season in this African Gem – indulge your senses with several must-do options.

Try trekking & hiking safaris in Kenya

Kenya is an excellent destination for trekking and hiking safaris. The country is home to several mountain ranges, including the Aberdares and Mt. Kenya, which offer breathtaking views and the opportunity to spot a variety of wildlife.

For those interested in a more challenging trek, Mt. Kenya offers several routes of varying difficulty, including the Sirimon Route and the Chogoria Route. Both routes offer stunning views of the mountain’s peaks and the surrounding landscape and the chance to spot wildlife such as buffalo, elephant, and leopard.

The Aberdares, on the other hand, offer a more moderate trekking experience. The range is home to various wildlife, including elephants, buffalo, and lions, as well as beautiful forests and waterfalls.


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Several options are available in Kenya if you’re looking for a luxury trekking experience. Many tour operators offer guided treks with experienced guides, comfortable accommodations, and all the necessary equipment. You can also choose to stay in a luxury lodge or tented camp during your trek, which offers the added convenience of hot showers and comfortable beds after a long day on the trail.

Exploring Hells Gate National Park & Mount Longonot

With adventure activities such as walking, hiking, biking, and boating, Hells Gate National Park offers adrenaline-filled adventure seekers a chance to explore the hidden recesses of the Great Rift Valley in Naivasha.

The landscape here is breathtaking; towering cliffs hemmed by spectacular scenic views and abundant flora and fauna roam the culverts and water-gouged gorges, with rock towers providing an impressive canopy. From adventure racers to day adventurers alike, there’s no shortage of reasons for people to be drawn to this magnificent natural wonderland.


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Mount Longonot is an adventure-seeking paradise in the Great Rift Valley of Kenya. A unique combination of volcanic terrain and lush forests make this iconic landmark a remarkable find for adventure enthusiasts. The flanks are characterized by V-shaped valleys and ridges, providing breathtaking scenes for climbers or hikers to appreciate.

For those daring to adventure further, the crater boasts an impenetrable forest and even provides a reward for brave explorers – with no roads in the vicinity, visitors must hike up and go around the rim of the crater to take in the raw adventure activities of such a powerful location. Not only is Mount Longonot a beautiful landmark, but an adventurous one too.

The safaris of Kenya

The South Rift Valley of Kenya is teaming with adventure activities, offering every imaginable delight for tourists searching for a wild adventure. Named a protected reserve by the Kenyan government in 1983, this area hosts an array of wildlife, including buffalo, eland, leopard, bushbuck, zebra, giraffe and Grant’s gazelle.

Birdwatchers will particularly enjoy the scenery as it is a paradise for birds of prey soaring through the skies over this beautiful landscape. Visitors can find adventure through hiking, birdwatching, game viewing and nature photography, as well as camping under the stars. An intrepid safari awaits those seeking adventure in South Rift Valley.

Read More: Richard Branson And The Royal Lair Of Lions

Paragliding over Kerio Valley

Adventure-seekers looking for an aerial escapade that will take their breath away should look no further than Kerio Valley’s paragliding experience. Situated in the North Rift, adventure activities like this offer a thrilling view of the valley’s barren lands and sharp mountains, all while you glide through the air.

Every adventure is unique due to the shifting winds and rapidly changing landscapes of the area, so nobody will have the same experience as another person. Paragliding in Iten is perfect for anyone seeking sights and thrills, so take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Overall, Kenya is an excellent destination for luxury trekking and hiking safaris, offering a variety of trails and the opportunity to spot a wide range of wildlife in stunning natural surroundings.

Adventure continues along Kenya’s coastline

From surfing waves in the Indian Ocean to swimming among aquatic wildlife, adventure along Kenya’s sweeping coastline is genuinely unique. Explorers can find thrilling adventure activities such as snorkelling and scuba diving, windsurfing and whale watching, making Kenya the perfect destination for adventure seekers looking for an eye-opening experience. So whether you are a timid traveller or an extreme adventure junkie, plenty of exciting opportunities await your exploration along this fascinating coastline.


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Spend your January sailing the African Spice Route for a truly memorable adventure. Join a traditional Swahili Dhow expedition along Kenya’s coast to discover some of East Africa’s most beautiful beaches. Participate in adventure activities like snorkelling, kayaking or simply sunbathing.


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Along your trip, explore the Indian Ocean’s salty waters and all its wondrous flora and fauna. Visit local villages and learn about their history from experienced guides -all while experiencing magnificent views from the deck of your very own African-style dhow sailboat!

Kenya’s Big Five of the Sea at Watamu

Visiting Watamu for a deep-sea fishing adventure is like entering a new world. Watamu is renowned as one of the best adventure destinations in Africa and is known to locals as the ‘Big Five of the Sea’. Here, fishermen have the potential to come face-to-face with some of the most remarkable creatures from above and beneath the surface.

Those who take part in Watamu’s deep sea fishing journeys are rewarded with never-forgettable experiences, including sightings of some truly majestic marine life forming part of this unique adventure activity. Offering everything from the equatorial dolphins, striated dolphins, ‘bottle-nosed’ dolphins, humpbacked dolphins, sea turtles, Humpbacks whales, dwarf whales, killer whales, sharks, manta rays, sailfish and other species, be prepared for a lifetime worth of memories and stories. ◼

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© This article was first published online in Dec 2022 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Kenya’s Wild Adventure Activities Beyond Safaris & Beaches first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Ultra-Luxury Mega Yacht Silver Endeavour Sets Sail This Nov https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/ultra-luxury-mega-yacht-silver-endeavour-sets-sail-this-nov/ Wed, 10 Aug 2022 08:51:17 +0000 https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/?p=22318 When it comes to luxury, there are few things as indulgent as spending a week or two on a mega yacht. So if that’s your idea of a dream vacation, you’ll be excited to know that the ultra-luxury Silver Endeavour is setting sail this November. This top-of-the-line vessel offers all the amenities and a high […]

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When it comes to luxury, there are few things as indulgent as spending a week or two on a mega yacht. So if that’s your idea of a dream vacation, you’ll be excited to know that the ultra-luxury Silver Endeavour is setting sail this November. This top-of-the-line vessel offers all the amenities and a high level of service you would expect from a world-class cruise experience. So whether you’re looking for an intimate escape with just your closest friends or want to lavish in luxury, the Silver Endeavour is sure to please.

Silver Endeavour is the fifth expedition ship in Silversea Cruises’ fleet of 11 and is by far the most luxurious. Explicitly designed to take travellers to both Polar Regions, this ultra-luxury mega yacht features spacious all-suites, fine dining and onboard entertainment.

Silver Endeavour will offer expedition cruises to some of the world’s most remote destinations starting in November 2022. The Silver Endeavour will take travellers to once-in-a-lifetime destinations such as the Arctic and Antarctica. The Antarctic Bridge itineraries are particularly popular, and the Silver Endeavour will be offering these cruises in the 2022/2023 season to King George Island and The Antarctic Sound.

King George Island is the gateway to Antarctica, and there’s no shortage of things to see and do. The Antarctic Sound is located at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and is home to some of the continent’s most iconic landscapes. Cruising through iceberg-filled waters is an unforgettable experience, and there are plenty of opportunities for wildlife viewing, from penguins to whales.

Silver Endeavour boasts state-of-the-art amenities, an industry-leading Zodiac-to-guest ratio, kayaks and a crew-to-guest ratio of approximately 1:1, making it the perfect choice for luxury travellers seeking an unforgettable experience. The Silver Endeavour also features multiple restaurants, bars and lounges; an expansive spa; a two-storied solarium with a swimming pool and whirlpool; and an array of indoor and outdoor observation areas spread over its eight public decks.

“One of the most luxurious expedition ships afloat, Silver Endeavour will accelerate our strategy of growth, enriching our offering to unprecedented levels and reaffirming our position as the leading ultra-luxury expedition cruise line,” said Roberto Martinoli, President and CEO, Silversea Cruises. “The expedition cruising industry is poised to resume accelerated growth, driven by demand among high-end, affluent customers for travel to remote and hard-to-access destinations. Silver Endeavour will strengthen our polar offering, further diversifying our broad-ranging product. With the ongoing support of Royal Caribbean Group, we are enhancing the cruise experience for our guests, unlocking the world’s most rewarding destinations in a way that only Silversea can.”

Roberto Martinoli, President and CEO, Silversea Cruises Aboard Silver Endeavour

Roberto Martinoli, President and CEO, Silversea Cruises Aboard Silver Endeavour

“To honour the spirit of expedition travel, we have renamed the ship Silver Endeavour—paying testament to one of history’s most famous vessels,” said Barbara Muckermann, Chief Commercial Officer, Silversea Cruises. “Aboard Silver Endeavour, travellers will channel the same sense of discovery that guided pioneering explorers, such as James Cook, in bygone eras.”

Silversea Cruises’ ultra-luxury all-suite cruise ships include Silver Dawn℠, Silver Shadow℠, Silver Whisper®, Silver Spirit®, Silver Muse®, and Silver Moon℠. In addition, the cruise line’s expedition ships include Silver Origin®, Silver Wind®, Silver Explorer® and Silver Cloud®. The Silver Endeavour was previously known as Crystal Endeavor, part of  Crystal Cruises. ◼

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© This article was first published online in Aug 2022 – World Travel Magazine.

The post Ultra-Luxury Mega Yacht Silver Endeavour Sets Sail This Nov first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

The New look of andBeyond’s Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/the-new-look-of-andbeyonds-grumeti-serengeti-river-lodge/ Thu, 30 Jun 2022 02:47:02 +0000 https://www.wtravelmagazine.com/?p=22199 Where wildlife comes to play, and humans come to rest. AndBeyond’s Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge, situated on the banks of the tributary of Grumeti River in the heart of the Serengeti, has reopened after a comprehensive rebuild. The lodge has been completely refurbished and offers a refreshed look inspired by the natural surroundings. The new […]

The post The New look of andBeyond’s Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge first appeared on World Travel Magazine.

Where wildlife comes to play, and humans come to rest. AndBeyond’s Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge, situated on the banks of the tributary of Grumeti River in the heart of the Serengeti, has reopened after a comprehensive rebuild. The lodge has been completely refurbished and offers a refreshed look inspired by the natural surroundings.

The new design of andBeyond’s Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge

The lodge is designed to make the most of its spectacular setting and offer guests an unparalleled safari experience. The new look has redefined the traditional concept in a manner that is luxurious and contemporary while retaining the rustic and tactile nature of the original camp and following the contours of the nearby Grumeti River, creating a natural flow of sitting and dining areas with the landscape.

Tanzania Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge

Tanzania Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge

Tanzania Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge

Tanzania Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge

The new guest suites at the hotel are more than double the size of the old ones, with raised ceilings and taller doors. The canvas, banana fibre and hardwood cladding add a layer of richness. In addition to the deep baths and indoor showers, the new suites feature outdoor decks with private plunge pools — the perfect place to relax and enjoy the incredible views of the Serengeti.
Tanzania Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge Family Suite

Tanzania Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge Family Suite

Tanzania Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge Suite's bathroom

Tanzania Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge Suite’s bathroom

“Not only has the rebuild given andBeyond Grumeti a brand new look but our team has also been hard at work developing a selection of experiences that provide guests with even more choice about how to enjoy the lodge and its magnificent setting,” says Niall Anderson, andBeyond Chief Operating Officer Africa Lodges.

What to do at andBeyond’s Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge

The lodge offers various activities for guests, including morning and afternoon game drives, all-day safari, bush walks with experienced guides, cultural visits to nearby Lukungu community, stargazing and bird watching. For the more adventurous, there is also the opportunity to go hot air ballooning over the Serengeti.

If you’re looking to get a taste of traditional African life, there’s no better place to start than Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest lake. This vast body of water is home to many traditional communities that make their living through fishing. Visiting these communities is a great way to learn more about their way of life and see first-hand how they make a living.

The cuisine here at the lodge is designed to reflect the best of the local area. Seasonally sourced ingredients are used to create wholesome, flavoursome dishes that are colourful enough to steal the limelight of your social media feed. With its new look, AndBeyond’s Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge is the perfect place to enjoy an African safari.

Africa Tanzania Grumeti Experience Game Drive

Africa Tanzania Grumeti Experience Game Drive

The Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

World-renowned for the great migration, the Serengeti National Park, a World Heritage Site, is one of Africa’s most popular safari destinations. Over 4000 lions, 1000 leopards, 550 cheetahs, some 500 bird species endless herds of wildebeest and zebra inhabit an area close to 15,000 square kilometres in size and roam in their own habitats freely.

Other lodges in Tanzania include Singita Faru Faru Lodge, Singita Mara River Tented Camp, Singita Sasakwa Lodge, Four Seasons Safari Lodge Serengeti, One Nature Nyaruswiga and Mwiba Lodge. ◼

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© This article was first published online in June 2022 – World Travel Magazine.

The post The New look of andBeyond’s Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge first appeared on World Travel Magazine.
